2 Free Review Copies - The GCD Reports - Make your GPT text unique. [Reviewers]

Hester Simonis

New member
Apr 8, 2024
Two free copies of our product are available for reviewers.

(G)PT (C)ontent (D)ifferentiation Reports - A toolset for making your GPT output distinct.

Reviewer requirements: 300 posts, MMO member for a year+

Each GCD report contains an Excel spreadsheet with extensive lists of words and phrases that GPT overuses. We have obtained these by linguistic analysis of thousands of GPT-generated articles. An accompanying PDF guide containing prompting and text replacement methods will give you what you need to improve or conceal the AI origin of your scaled content and make it more unique and natural.

You may choose a Basic report or one of of our three current niche analyses: Automotive, Technology, or Video Gaming.

If chosen, please leave a detailed review. This is a new product type. We are still learning how best to explain the benefits of the Reports to potential customers, and your impressions will be helpful.