Bus Advertisement Impressions Calculations

Cortney Mann

New member
Apr 15, 2024
So, I'm trying to sell advertising space(Tour Buses that Run Along the US East Coast). I have already done market research, got quotes from competitors(even bargained prices down to see their lowest).

But I can't find a solid impressions calculations because all bus impressions are different depending on the route. I'm in the process of making some charts for a media kit and I want the entire presentation to be focused around "Savings Per Bus For Target Daily Impressions".

So basically "If you were to put a $1 into my business rather than my competitor, you will save $0.50 per thousand impressions". Just need to find a solid calculation, but google has been showing me nada.

I already am gonna offer the price at the lowest(being $1,000 - $1,200 per month per bus ad), which is an amazing discount when compared to competitors. But I just need to show data for impressions, does anyone have a recommendation?

Any help would be appreciated!