Change Log: behind the scenes at BHW

Marcelo Kuhic

New member
Apr 25, 2024
We're constantly working on improving BHW and making the forum a safer place that's easier for everyone to use. That means we're pretty much always making updates on the back end and behind the scenes. If we're doing it right, then 9 times out of 10 you won't notice that we've done anything at all, or you might just go to do something and think 'Hey, that was easier than last time'.

But sometimes, you might find things are a little slower or glitchy while we're making changes. We'd rather keep you in the loop when we're up to stuff, because we're nice like that. So, here commences our update thread! Whenever we're working on something we will let you know here. 90% of the time we won't post here we're not a "bug fixes and updates" crew. So we'll only post when it makes sense to.

If you do ever run into issues or think something isn't working as it should be, let us know with a support ticket, or by posting in the Forum Suggestions and Feedback. Wherever you can, it always helps us to have as much information as possible, so screenshots and lots of details are very much appreciated. We'd like to keep forum support and ideas for improvement in those channels, so please don't use this thread to discuss them.

The updates we post here will, at times, be vague. That's intentional. You guys understand that a lot of the internal stuff has to stay under our hats in order to keep the forum secure. I'm sure you'll forgive us this little bit of mystique, when it's required. Rest assured, when updates are front-facing, you'll get the full low-down.
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