Journey to becoming someone, I would be proud of

Deron McGlynn

New member
Apr 13, 2024
My income streams are not diversified. I live off the stipend and what my dad gives me. From the perspectives of many, I am a hypocrite and a weakling who is trying to act as something more. I follow David Goggins, Tom Platz and Lane Goodwin. I talk so much shit to people, though I started controlling that recently, it's unbearable. I talked shit to my parents, talked shit to relatives and did some shitty things to all of them.

I say, today is the day when I start documenting my journey and hold my self accountable for what I do. IF I do something horrible or slip, I am posting it here.

Any business activity I will intend to do, I will post here.

This is not a blog or a feed to satisfy my desire for popularity, or to show everyone how I become rich and successful. This is about me being scared of people knowing all the dirty laundry of mine. And here I will come clean about who I am.

Florence Gleason

New member
Apr 13, 2024
A slightly different journey than the rest but best of luck nonetheless! Hey, that rhymes :D Also props for striving to maintain a good routine. Why would you be cutting out music though? I don't think it can be put in the same category as social media, video games and wanking, especially if it's something that helps you work or focus.