Search results

  1. Afton

    Connecting multiple account to my ip

    Hi everyone, I'm curious about your strategies for avoiding shadowbans on TikTok and managing proxy costs. Here's my situation: I've warmed up 10 TikTok accounts using GoLogin with residential proxies. This wasn't too expensive. Posting a 200 MB video costs 400 MB in proxy data, which is about...
  2. Afton

    Koddos vs ddos-guard for DMCA

    Koddos is better choice from my past experience. Do contact them before buying. But I am not affiliated with them.
  3. Afton

    Free review copy for my wordpress website thread approval.

    I am giving free 1x review copy for WordPress Website development for my thread approval. Here is my top tier Package: Up to 22 Pages*: More extensive content options. Up to 25-50 Product pages*: Along with shop, categories, cart, checkout, my account pages. Fully Mobile Responsive*: Optimized...
  4. Afton

    Google Voice Number available?

    Unclear what the issue is? I used to buy them a lot and it terms of scam the issue was usually that the sellers would try and access the accounts again after some weeks to resell. So you had to make sure you changed the passwords immediately and also the phone number and email recoverys they...