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  1. Laurel Hyatt

    Help a young Brazilian... This question is for you who live in first world countries...

    Yes! Many HR functions and tasks are still not capable of being managed by software! A few days ago, I had an insight regarding employee payrolls. I saw a SAAS that is very famous in the USA (GustoHQ), but here in Brazil there are already platforms of this style. My studies in this area won't...
  2. Laurel Hyatt

    Help a young Brazilian... This question is for you who live in first world countries...

    My question is specific to first world countries because I live in Brazil (self-explanatory) Tell me: how do big companies manage their HR? How do they hire people and manage other common HR tasks? Is there a person behind all this or has it all been automated by software? I say this because...
  3. Laurel Hyatt

    MMO 2.0 coming in 2020

    I would love to join. If possible try to make an event on India as well.
  4. Laurel Hyatt

    Why am I not able to disconnect my CC on chargebee on MMO?

    So I have noticed this. The option for disconnecting card isn't simply there on the chargebee/ MMO payments page/ section. I have unsubscribed from renewing my Jr VIP subscription easily but my card is still connected with chargebee. Does anyone know how to disconnect CC from MMO chargebee?
  5. Laurel Hyatt

    I was very confused and didn't know how to use it and get VIP membership

    Hello everyone, I'm completely new to the forum. I was very confused and didn't know how to use it and get VIP membership in the fastest way to get an active card. Can anyone leave a contact address? I need your help and will thank you very much
  6. Laurel Hyatt

    Dispute @abnerjely

    Dispute Summary The accused has been permanently banned from MMO for failing to resolve this dispute. The dispute thread will remain live and is now open to commentary as rule 4 is no longer enforced in this thread. Thread Open For Commentary
  7. Laurel Hyatt

    Dispute: scammed by @Tobi2mike

    Proof that the transaction began on MMO: (Submit a link to a post or conversation showing that this issue began on MMO) Screenshots below. Proof the other party...
  8. Laurel Hyatt

    1000 Play store keyword Installs - Review Copy

    This is open again as the person picked for the review initially is tied up and cannot review this in a reasonable time frame. Please post in here if you are interested.