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  1. Kelley Fadel

    How To: Close Your Marketplace Thread

    Submit a ticket, please. We can discuss this matter in more detail in support.
  2. Kelley Fadel

    How To: Close Your Marketplace Thread

    Your sales threads were practically identical and that's why it was rejected. Your option is to close the old one and open a new one. That's allowed. Yes, there will be $30 annual fee just like for any other sales thread you might open in the future.
  3. Kelley Fadel

    Marketplace Thread Bumping - When can you post in your sales thread?

    So, if some customer ask a question and got his reply, he will need to wait 24 hours to get a reply back with another question? total mess and makes the customers waiting for a longer period for nothing, If someone getting a lot of customers, it will be such a pain in the ass for his service I...
  4. Kelley Fadel

    How to: leave a conversation

    2.0 Update! There are any number of reasons why you might want to leave a conversation. Maybe you want to tidy up your inbox, maybe the conversation has come to a natural end, or maybe you've just had enough of the other person. Whatever your reasons, it couldn't be easier to leave a...
  5. Kelley Fadel

    Everything You Need To Know About The Signature Space Rules

    nothing is mentioned about the recommended sig resolution to follow up with the rules?
  6. Kelley Fadel

    Can I close my account?

    We’re always disappointed to hear that someone hasn’t found what they're looking for here on MMO. You can of course close your account. The way that we do this is to ban it, which means that no other user will be able to find your profile or contact you through the forum. To ask for this to be...
  7. Kelley Fadel

    What Section Should I Create My Thread In?

    always wondering where i should post SaaS related topics
  8. Kelley Fadel

    WTB, HAF, WTF? Acronyms and jargon, busted

    Can anyone come up with acronyms in the forum
  9. Kelley Fadel

    Want To Buy

    When we ban an account it is banned, such as this one now is for opening more than one account.