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  1. Juanita

    Pump Fun - Tools and tricks to scalp and launch- Ideas?

    There’s quite a few bots that allow you to bundle snipe your own launches, bonkbot being one of them. Though if you’re launching you’re going to need a lot of marketing which is where majority of your efforts should be focused on. I’ve launched quite a few projects on both Pumpfun & Sunpump and...
  2. Juanita

    Linkedin Automation Tool

    Meet Alfred, Linkedhelper depends on whether you want to go with a cloud solution or local automation You can do more further steps as well along with the mentioned flow
  3. Juanita

    Tumblr has closed my 100 Blogs.

    Maybe it was an algorithm that caught them by mistake. You should contact tumblr and see if they can restore your blogs.