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  1. Gaetano Padberg

    ADxAD network! HQ traffic CPM/CPC

    can you contact me please/ thanks
  2. Gaetano Padberg

    Marketplace rules - How To Post - Updated NO Sales thread bumping.

    And mmo I have submitted a few bsts and not heard back. But I think it's good that it's not easy to get listed - you can see that the available BSTs are normally very high quality which is a good thing:)
  3. Gaetano Padberg

    Marketplace upgrade $30 per year now enforced

    A very welcomed step. It will clear out some of the old market place threads and it is nice to see that the item/service being offered will need to be reviewed again. I understand why this is being done and totally support it. It helps to make the market place a better experience for everyone...
  4. Gaetano Padberg

    Avoid being Scammed - Basic Pointers for YOUR security.

    Great post. This just proves you can never be too careful. You just never know.
  5. Gaetano Padberg

    The Sale / transfer of marketplace threads

    Why is the marketplace important for sales?