Search results

  1. Carrie Homenick

    Advice On Creating A Website

    Just use a page, and a table plugin of some sort. Or even just woo commerce, and make them affiliate products. which mean they can be listed without a price, and just as a link. You can display your "shop" on the front page, so that all the cpa products are listed and then make any CSS...
  2. Carrie Homenick

    How to Get Threshold Accounts?

    Do people still sell advertising credit coupons?
  3. Carrie Homenick

    How to Get Threshold Accounts?

    How do I get my own threshold account for TikTok Facebook Google Ads or any other traffic source? how can I buy one without getting scammed or the account being suspended? Does any traffic source offer free credits for people outside USA?
  4. Carrie Homenick

    Freelancing without experience?

    You should focus to complete project and example of your portfolio . the work shouldn't be practices but should solution oriented service. once you can do this kind of experience, you can easily get work from Freelance platforms.
  5. Carrie Homenick

    Any web design trends/tips for 2022 to mention?

    Typography, Gradients
  6. Carrie Homenick

    Best pop-up/bar plugin for Wordpress?

    Ninja Popups
  7. Carrie Homenick

    Which plugin can remove background from a product image in WooCommerce?

    I guess. There is still one more plugin I am forgetting and so so unfortunate, very badass one I had used 2022. Anyway, I already used for these images right now as they are only 12.
  8. Carrie Homenick

    Which plugin can remove background from a product image in WooCommerce?

    Thanks I checked but it's no longer compatible with the latest version of WP so it was automatically deactivated upon activation.
  9. Carrie Homenick

    Which plugin can remove background from a product image in WooCommerce?

    Hey guys, I am building an ecommerce website for a client. I need to remove the background of the product image or make the background white or transparent. I have used such plugin several months ago but I can't remember the plugin name anymore. Please recommend a plugin that can do this.
  10. Carrie Homenick

    Ex Freelance Article Writer Struggling To Find Clients

    One more thing you need the change the title to Writer to SEO specialist something cause pretty much after AI everyone does the same exact thing such as this still needs to manuel optimization according to my...
  11. Carrie Homenick

    Ex Freelance Article Writer Struggling To Find Clients

    Wait a little bit more AI contents getting no Indexing brother still needs a human supervision a bit , instead of writing the thing needs more editorial work those articles
  12. Carrie Homenick

    Why does Google deindex websites with rewritten and AI content?

    I got another one that people always miss, because of similar or duplicate content, most of the time AI will provide similar content and google will take them as duplicate, that is for people that mas upload and never edit them or check the content they get on AI.
  13. Carrie Homenick

    What are you doing to prepare for LLM takeover of search engines?

    Thinking about future tech like Google's real-time language models is smart. Stay informed and be ready to adjust your strategies to make the most of these changes when they happen.
  14. Carrie Homenick

    Revenue from affiliate websites

    Could you share the approximate revenues from your affiliate projects? Additionally, how much time did it take to grow them, measured in months.
  15. Carrie Homenick

    Problems Requesting Business USA Wise Digital Cards

    Any news on this topic? Can you order cards now?
  16. Carrie Homenick

    Problems Requesting Business USA Wise Digital Cards

    I have this problem when requesting a digital card. Has this happened to anyone else? How have you solved it? "We are preparing your card application, come back to this page in a few minutes." But it's been days since that message. My Wise is a business based on an USA LLC. And Wise responded...