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  1. Marlen Jaskolski

    Want To Buy

    Have I confirmed my identity or can't I post it in the trading area?
  2. Marlen Jaskolski

    Hello everyone !

    Welcome to the forum.
  3. Marlen Jaskolski

    Hello MMO

    I can’t wait to start my journey with you all.
  4. Marlen Jaskolski

    Official introduction from 25phones

    Hey bro, welcome to MMO !! Thats a really cool setup, i got something similar but i use it to generate music streams Did you tried to emulate more devices? I would like to share some info with you, maybe we can work together in something
  5. Marlen Jaskolski

    Earth is becoming harsh, and its inhabitants are becoming rude.

    We are living in Kalyug. It means it's a time period where humans become selfish. They don't care about other people nor any other life form around them. It's going to get worse as time progresses. And there's nothing we can do about it.
  6. Marlen Jaskolski

    Reputation management

    I have a criminal conviction from a few years ago that is all over the web when you Google my name. The government did tons of press on it so it is impossible to hide. But I wanted to see if anyone actually had any luck doing reputation management that was successful at getting the press...