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  1. Andres Medhurst

    What to do when life feels like a while true loop?

    while (true) {; } AI reply: When life feels like a while true loop, it's a sign that things might be feeling repetitive and monotonous. It's important to break out of that cycle by introducing variety and new experiences into your routine. Try exploring new hobbies...
  2. Andres Medhurst

    Windows Recall: Microsoft will save every aspect of your digital life ;)

    I don't thing they will get away with that, is to intrusive that basically says, stop using windows with capital letters imagine a hacker get access to that, oooh my Microsoft offices will be caos, basically saving your all history for someone to see it, what they will say? security and...
  3. Andres Medhurst

    Hello MMO

    HelloMMO, glad to be here
  4. Andres Medhurst

    New To MMO

    Welcome to MMO.
  5. Andres Medhurst

    How To Leave A Review

    Whether you're happy with a service or displeased with it, it's important that you understand how to leave a review. It's not enough to just say "This service sucks, don't buy it". The 'why' of it is important as well. This not only helps the seller understand where they went wrong, but it helps...
  6. Andres Medhurst

    iTrader is now feedback

    Even Though using Itrader,how would one know a fisher scam member after giving you positive feetback to your post.??
  7. Andres Medhurst

    How To Embed A Sales Graphic

    Please see the new version of this guide here: How to upload your Sales Graphic: (effectively replacing the Imgur link* with a MMO one) Let's say you've just received your sales graphic from your designer (no more...