$10,000/month from Drop Servicing with Medium Automation

Amina Grady

New member
Jun 26, 2024
Hey MMO stars,

I'm starting a new journey to make $10,000 a month using a drop servicing model with medium.com automation. The plan is simple: target lucrative digital service based keywords like "Best web design service", "Web developer in Seattle", and "Ecommerce SEO in Ontario" etc. I'll publish a lot of articles targeting these keywords on Medium and link them back to my service website. Orders will come through these links.


  1. Keyword Targeting: Focus on profitable digital service keywords.
  2. Mass Publishing: Use Affpilot AI to bulk publish articles on Medium. Each Medium account allows only 15 posts per day, so I'll hire virtual assistants (VAs) to create multiple Medium accounts. Also hire hundreds of cheap employee micro workers type sites.
  3. Linking Back: Each article will link back to my website's service pages, driving traffic and potential clients to place orders.

Why Medium?

Parasite SEO is dominating Google at this moment. I ran an initial test manually which gave me a nice result. That’s why I am confident with the bulk approach.

Automation and Tools:

  • Affpilot: This tool will handle the bulk writing and publishing of articles to Medium, making the process less time-consuming.
  • Virtual Assistants: They'll create and manage multiple Medium accounts, ensuring a steady flow of published content.
Goals and Expectations: My ultimate goal is to generate $10,000 per month with minimal manual effort. I'll be working a few hours a day, mainly to oversee the operations and keep everything running smoothly. While I can't guarantee I'll reach this goal, I'm excited to try and share my progress with you all.

Challenges: Finding reliable VAs and managing multiple Medium accounts can be tricky. Plus, ensuring the content is high-quality and engaging enough to drive traffic is crucial. I'll need to stay on top of these aspects to succeed.

I'll keep you all updated with my progress, earnings, and any challenges I face along the way. Stay tuned for regular updates and insights into this drop servicing journey.

Let's see if we can hit that $10,000/month milestone together!

Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts.


Felton Herzog

New member
Jun 26, 2024
Can you share more details? You just wrote superficially. In-depth sharing possible?

1) How to auto publish to medium with Affpilot AI?
2) What do you mean by 15 posts per day to medium account?
3) Actually how you will find clients to provide drop servicing?

Karlie Howe

New member
Jun 26, 2024
Who will execute the services though?

Not easy to provide reliable services using freelancers and stuff.

Also having to deal with clients all the time is a whole other ball game.