Aloha - New Guy Here

Mateo Sipes

New member
Jun 13, 2024
Wanted to introduce myself and the reason I signed up for MMO. I have been in ecommerce for the 3 years, learning the ropes and growing my business. Current we are doing about 10M USD a year, so we are on the smaller side of companies. I have been extremely fortunate with our growth: Year 1=2M, Year 2=5M, Year 3=10M. During this process I have learned a lot of hard lessons and lost a lot of money in the process. I signed up for MMO to look for various services for SEO, Affiliate and paid media buying. There are a lot of gurus out there who have no idea what they are doing so I figured hopping on this forum could help me weed out the posers and find some solid services to create some win-win situations! If you have any questions about how I grew my ecommerce business - fire away... always open to helping out others where I can!