Biggest list of antidetect browsers, side by side. May 2024

Kieran Mosciski

New member
May 15, 2024
2 evenings of research, one messy note formatted, and here you go: the biggest list of all antidetect browsers on the market today.

I’ve got 47. Longest review articles I’ve seen have 37 at best.

Why is it here?

Because there’s no such list here yet and every discussion I come across mentions just 2-3 browsers. For those on low budget, pricing plays the #1 role. So it might be useful. Also, I've read enough long-form, high-effort posts here to finally contribute myself.


#1: Classic Pricing Model Browsers

Group #1 — browsers priced in a classic, transparent, understandable way, with plans and limits.



Some Insights

  • Absolute cheapest — BitBrowser (weird Chinese thing, $0.2 per account in minimal plan and $0.15 in 100’s, looks shady though mentioned on MMO sometimes), Loginways ($0.23 and $0.35), Hidemium ($0.25).
  • Most expensive — LinkenSphere ($3 per profile in minimal plan, $0.9 in 100’s), Octobrowser ($2.9 in minimal), SessionBox ($1.3 in minimal).
  • The number of accounts you can get with free plans today is: 57, from 10 browsers. RIP your machine though, with all 57 launched at the same time.

#2: Unlimited & Free Model Browsers

Group #2 — all other business models. No limits on the number of profiles or totally free software.
Here they are, with the fine print decoded for some:

A confession to make here: I don’t believe in anything “free and unlimited” in today’s market. Unless I’ve pirated it from some torrent eMule’s ass or cracked it with a Chinese dev deleted tweet’s fake-signed APK with my own hands (true story), I don’t feel safe. Neither should you: the age of true enthusiasts was over with the last Symbian app.

Best case scenario, there will be ads. Worst case, you’re paying for it with your private data.

While some of these browsers are definitely OK, I want to highlight it: “totally-free” options should always go through a round of checks before you install them. Even if you use a VM. You’re going to type passwords into these, after all.

#3: Obscure and Weird Browsers

Group #3 is not really a group. These are several options that don’t belong to any of these lists above for various reasons:

Reason #1 — I don’t like their websites. Call it a hunch.
Reason #2 — there’s something I either don’t entirely understand in their terms and limitations or it’s just communicated badly.
Reason #3 — there are clearly hoops to jump through in order to use them.

Still, I’ll add them here, maybe others will make use of this stuff. With all the reasons listed:


Thoughts & Questions

I’ve read a whole ton of MMO posts and threads on proxies and antidetect options. From what I see, proxies are the issue in 95% of cases.

So it begs the question:

Does anyone have any really, really bad experience with an antidetect? A warning-worthy and — IMPORTANT — 100%-sure caused by the browser itself, or its team, or whatever, but not the proxy provider or the way you use profiles? I’d love to hear warnings, if any, before we settle with some of these from the first group.

PS: This is by no means an exhaustive list. I might’ve missed something. Feel free to add more if you know any active & supported options.

PPS: Answering the most popular question on this topic I’ve seen on MMO before it pops up here:

There’s no really “BEST antidetect for “insert_activity_or_platform”.

No such thing as best antidetect for Facebook or worst antidetect for Reddit exists. The bare-bones core functionality is the same. All the extras on top have different value for all the different ways you use your accounts. If you act weird and trigger the platform, you’ll get banned equally fast on both LinkenSphere and BitBrowser.

  • Know what you want? Do some research, pick the one that suits your style. Here’s your starting point.
  • Just starting and don’t know which to pick? Narrow it down to your budget, flip a coin.
Anyways, thanks for reading. Hope it helps.

Kieran Mosciski

New member
May 15, 2024
lol for some I can't even find them on google search
for example gobrowser
Weird, it's literally gobrowser dot com. I found it here, some say it's same as Dolphin, some that it's less stable, might be from the creators of GoLogin. Didn't try it myself yet.

Cielo Borer

New member
May 15, 2024
Great collection of consolidated info. Nice work, G. you did a really excellent job here. Cheers