Business Video to create or outsource?

Jeffery Legros

New member
Apr 5, 2024
I am considering a side project for work to create a short video for linkedin ads explaining our services. I am not sure whether ai services will really meet my needs as i have thoughts of what i want and external images and potentially voice i want to use.

Has anyone dabbled through creating their own videos or do they outsource to someone on fiverr?

I was considering downloading a program and trying to do myself but i am not sure of (1) whether there is a free software that is sufficient to create a 30 second video which has enough tools and easy to use and (2) whether the software wont decimate my laptop and whether the GPU will be sufficient to run multiple applications.

I would love to hear feedback for your ventures on how you approach video creations! Thanks

Monica O'Reilly

New member
Apr 5, 2024
Explainer video with a real person as talking head will give you better results. You can you fiverr or any other outsource service as long as they don't nickle and dime you by using a software and not using a real person.
Try synthesia for ai explainer video with talking head.
Using a cloud service/saas offloads all the bullwork to their servers from your pc.

Elisabeth Braun

New member
Apr 5, 2024
Business videos can be generated fairly quickly through human labor assisted by AI.

I have several YouTube channels, and currently, I'm paying less than $2.50 per minute.

I'm sure you can find a cheaper provider.

If you plan to do it yourself, use Openshot for the editor. 100% free.

But the key is to zero in on the script because the script is the meat and potatoes of your video.

The video might have great production values and have amazing text slides and out-of-this-world imagery.

But if the script sucks, your business video will fall flat on its face.

It also helps to invest in SOLID text to speech AI. Can't be robotic