Chatting Platform Where Users Can't Take The Screenshot Of The Chats.

olfsson V

New member
Jul 15, 2024
Does anyone know Chatting Platform Where the user Can't Take The Screenshot Of The Chat.

Reason: A few days ago, I built a course to teach people how to make bots, and luckily, I got my first two sales. I teach them through Telegram because it's the only way. However, I later searched for my course on Google and found that my course "Telegram Chats" had been revealed on some black hat sites for freebies. I was so disappointed and never thought something like this could happen. So, I'm looking for a chatting platform where no one can take screenshots. (I hope you understand.)


New member
Jul 15, 2024
Hi there!

The thing is there's no possible way of having this. Even if by some miracle you find some platform that has this option (Telegram has a partial support for preventing forwards, and screenshots on stories I think). But nothing prevents people from reselling your course. Heck, I can go to a video on Telegram that doesn't have a forward option, and start recording my screen using my iPhone.

So the best bet is having a custom type of platform that has something bounded to the user account (e.g. assignments or one-on-one calls with you), so you ensure higher conversions or you can just don't care and file DMCA every time you see such leaks.