Considering of venturing into membership coaching service for ai autoblogs. What pricing would sell? Would affiliates be interested?

Caleb Olson

New member
Jun 26, 2024
It seems to me, a lot of the money online is still in coaching and membership programs.

I am considering creating my own member site with recurring billing.

The product would be the customer gets 1 fully built affiliate wordpress website with autoblog plugin included, plus, private forum membership, weekly zoom coaching.

I have about 28 websites including some autoblogger sites myself. I have certain themes and templates I use which I can scale up quickly, it become a lot easier and quicker for me to make sites, since I can basically duplicate and import the configuration I want with plugins etc into a new site, saving most of the time. And I know which themes work well and look nice. For now, I'm for sure going to keep creating websites for myself, though it's a tough space. I think I could make money more easily of selling sites to others, unfortunately, in online marketing, often it seems teaching is a bigger business doing.

Though the catch would be, I'd handle the domain and hosting 100%. They'd get WordPress account login info, and I'd charge a monthly fee, $40-$75 a month. And if they stop paying the monthly, I'd keep the site(and could sell it and/or switch all the affiliate links to my own, which would be fine with me, since I've been making similar sites for myself, so in this case, it'd still be getting another site, accept I'd have been paid to build it with my costs all covered and some profit, so 2 bird with one stone). I could provide consulting for selecting niche and domain name, include domain and hosting and consultation for affiliate programs for them to apply to. If any customers had big following on social media, they'd make good money even without google traffic off affiliate stuff, I could easily coach them(I see some gambler streamers without sites or sponsorship, which kills me, since I could build them a site with a forum and affiliate offers in 5 hours and they'd make a fortune off their audiences). The hard part is getting a lot of goodle traffic, though really it's not hard to create a high converting niche site, if you have a social media audience in a niche already, you can convert the traffic.

I was thinking for upfront fee of between $150-$300. Though, could go higher ticket, and do more like $500-$1,000(and could have a range, depending on how many premade articles would be included). This is much less than what a local web agency would charge, and would more than cover my costs so it'd still be fine if they canceled.

What do yall think of my pricing structure?

Btw, if I ever offered something similar to MMO in the marketplace, like if I became a JR Vip and a vendor, I'd do fixed price and you'd keep domain on your own hosting etc, no monthly fee, I would just do a set price. This thread is just asking what people think about the idea, and what would make the most money, not pricing I'd charge for a service for MMO members or anything like that.

Though, alternatively, I could get white label hosting from as low $40 a month, and offer people their own cpanel accounts. Though, I'd want my service to be n00b friendly.

The only problem is, I am not sure how I could include AI credits with a subscription, or if that would be practical at all, or just be like look here's how to do it yourself(the idea would be coaching, to teach them how to run their own site, so I guess that's how I'd do it). I could use my own API code to start their site up, but after, I wouldn't want to do that.

My other concern, is 100 members would only add up to be $4k a month, and shit I'd like to think 100 sites like that would make me more than $4k a month even if many stunk. But it's like dang, that aint much a year, and that'd would require a ton of work to get to that point, so kinda doesn't seem worth it, even though it could grow to thousands of sites type thing. Though, I could definitely onboard 1 site per day, more if needed, so the initial set up fees would be better money than the monthly. Also, customer support for 100 people would suck balls. I'm guessing many would cancel early, before even having a chance to really gain traction or get out of the google sandbox.

How much do you think people would pay?

Also, if I did launch this service/product, I would do an affiliate program, would people be interested in promoting an affiliate program?
If it was $150 and $40 a month membership(probably way to cheap, undervalue of services imo, as that'd include domain, hosting, and site set up), I'd pay affiliates $50 upfront and 20% on backend. If $300 set up and $75 a month, I could pay affiliates a bit more, maybe $150 upfront(50% commision) and $25 of the $75 monthly.Though, looking at how much some services charge(like some of the overpriced social media scheduler apps wayyyy overcharge), compared to those services and how little is included, I could charge more, though idk.

Could upsell for add ons, like social forum addon, color themed and categories customized and configured for like $150 extra.

If I went high ticket, like $1,500 set up up, and $500 a month, I could pay affiliates a lot more. It would be harder to sell, sure, but think about it, 10 people paying $500 a month is a better business than 10 people paying $50 a month, even if it converts 10x worse(though, of course, people here realize you could get a similar site made for less than $500 probably, and not pay any monthly fee, might be shittier depending on from who), though if it included hold-your-hand-counching and the sell page was niche enough, could work. Though a lot of people, especially those without social media(some people with currently badly monetized social media would earn more than $500 a month with the right affiliate products promoted via a site to their audience, no doubt some customers could be profitable), will upset it doesn't profit right away and cancel(I've been making a lot of sites like this, while I have made over $500 in a month from a single site, that was a lucky casino sign up, I know damn well a majority of sites wouldn't make it there, especially especially not within the first 6 months if no external traffic). And, could offer a 1 time fee for them to buy out the site and transfer it, fee set in fine print.

Also, could add on social media management, using a FB, Insta, and Twitter bot scheduler, for extra.

Really got me thinking. I've seen people pay a lot more for coaching programs that provide nearly nothing of value, so idk. If it was priced low, I think it would be easy to get customers, but it'd be a lot of damn work, though I would have the potential to scale it up bigger.

It definitely is a good time to cash in on others looking to cash in on ai. I am sure I could make a nice looking sales site to promote the offer, my skills have improved over the years, I could make it look nice. Scratching my head, since it'd be a big commitment to get into such a business, would have to really keep up with it everyday nonstop and could bring in multi year clients. Though 100 customers only equaling $4k a month really got me second guessing if it's a good idea or not, because hoenstly that kinda suckas ass.

Peter Crist

New member
Jun 26, 2024
Hmm why would some one pay for just renting an autoblog for that such price and condition... Autoblogs are great and i own a blog network.. but offering with those model i dont think its going to be work... Will see what other saying...

My single website earns around 200 dollars monthly..i guess keeping it with you most profitable