Creating accounts - way to 5k $ in 1 month


New member
Jun 10, 2024
I decided to create this thread because i think that is very good idea to improve my week english and it helps me to mobilize me to work.

Few years ago i earned my first money on websites in my country which paid for simply registers and clicks in advetistments (other ip each one). Firstly i did it by hand, but after that i found simply tools to automate it (macro records). To scale it i bought few computers (now i have 9 laptops).
In best moment i got arround 2k $ on one month (for me it was good money, in my country minimum wage is arround 800$, in my work i earned 1-1.1k $). Now im continue working on one site, but results are not best (100-300$ per 1 month).
When i got weaker results i thought how can i use my compuers and earn money in other way.
Finally i got idea that i can create social media accounts. I start worked in ~ september to prepare everything. I choose facebook and instagram because its most popular way, and i think that there are the easiest to sell.
Checking price i decided that the most profilable way will be create account and stock 3-4 months to get old.
First results of selling was good for me - in february i got 3k $ for my accounts (i sold ~ arround 5k fb and 5k instagram accounts).
Theoretically the best month for creating accounts was february too - i created in one month 9k instagram and 6,5k facebook accounts (all time on stock).
To create accounts i didnt use proxy before but since one month i have very big problems with creating accounts - before i had 30-50% of succesfully, now sometimes i have 5 created accounts on 200registers,
I looking for solution all time, but its hard, i tested alot of proxy (spent ~ 1500 $ in one month for proxies (mobile and residental - used ips only country where i live) and browsers.

Like i said - i create this thread to mobilize me, i know that creating in mass is possible - for example on accs i seen one guy which is listing arround 80k facebook accounts every month, so i think that if somebody can do this - i can do it too :).

Now im working on adspower and few proxies and own internet, but i have very weak result. (since 1.04 - 11.04 its arround 500fb and 800 instagram accounts), but i use only 2-3 laptops now, it not make sense to use more laptops.
To make me happy i must get ~4k fb and 4.5k instagram accounts every month).
Every week i would like to count my accounts.

In close future i would like to take care about creating gmail accounts, but now...


New member
Jun 10, 2024
All the very best on your journey. Keep us updated on the progress