Dispute: @TurboDomains vs @Green Bear re: $1250 AWS Account


New member
May 22, 2024
Summary of Dispute:
He offered 25k AWS Account for $1250, I paid USDT to his Coinbase deposit account, and he immediately deleted our TG chat.

Proof that the transaction began on MMO:
He DM'd me after I posted a WTB thread (screenshot attached):
https://www.blackhatworld.com/conversations/aws-25k-account.28406695/#convMessage-32494328Here is my WTB thread:
Proof the other party has been informed of this Dispute Resolution:
Yes, screenshot attached. Hi @Green Bear

Proof of Contact:
He deleted our TG chat literally a minute after I paid, so I don't see much point trying additional forms of contact.

Evidence of the Issue:
Screenshots attached.
Payment TX:
What you hope to gain from this Dispute Resolution:
Refund or ban the scammer @Green Bear


New member
May 22, 2024
Dispute Request Approved
Information For The Accused
@Green Bear, you have 24 hours to respond to this disputes thread. If you do not respond within 24 hours or we note that you're engaging in any other activities on the forum rather than dealing with this dispute, the decision will be made in favour of the dispute starter and you will be permanently banned from MMO. In the event that you're permanently banned from the forum, you may send in a support ticket using our support channel only once you've refunded and/or provided what the plaintiff has requested.

If your responses to this dispute do not remain prompt, your account will be banned.

Information For The Accused & The Dispute Starter
Please remain professional as name calling, insults, griping, tu quoque, and ad hominem will not be tolerated. Should the dispute starter resort to this, the dispute will be forfeit; and if the accused resorts to this, the dispute will automatically be in the dispute starter's favour.

The moderator mediating this dispute is simply trying to fair a resolution to this dispute. Any mod abuse or accusations (e.g., "you're biased", "you're protecting scammers", etc) directed toward the moderator will not be tolerated and may result in an infraction for mod abuse.

Information For Other Members
If anyone else has the same issue with the accused, you may respond so long as you supply evidence in the form of screenshots, videos, etc.

Please bear in mind Dispute Resolution section rule #4 before responding.

"If you are not directly related to the situation, or are not offering information directly related to the situation: do not post in the thread. Anyone caught doing so will receive an infraction and be reply banned from posting in the thread."


New member
May 22, 2024
Well, I wanted to see how the accused will answer to this dispute but he didn't. What a shame.
Sorry for your loss OP


New member
May 22, 2024
It's a shame that people choose to scam people for money nowadays whereas this forum offers them so many ways to earn. It's Good that OP took a screenshot of the conversation from the start