Few technical questions regarding site flipping

Shaylee Spinka

New member
May 13, 2024
I want to get into flipping sites without traffic. So basically client pays for a website, and not for a business that makes money. I've seen many people do that successfully :)

1. Is it okay to use cheap hosting (like 2$/year) when flipping sites? Meaning will this kind of hosting decrease the value of the website or would do any harm at all? (If no - can you recommend a reputable and cheap one?)

2. I also have in plans to keep a few websites I've built to turn them into recurring income from display ads & affiliate offers. There is one question in my mind - if I sort of mass produce websites to flip (well mass is a strong word, but after creating i.e 50 of them) won't Google shadow ban my IP in terms of organic traffic? Meaning that - "The person from this IP is looking sketchy in our records so we'll limit his organic traffic even if everything seems alright on his websites"

3. I'd be working on Wordpress. I've found a few free resources on MMO which are GOLD, but if you have any useful MMO links regarding Wordpress yourself, with i.e free themes or free plugins, it would be amazing

4. I'll also work on Shopify too - do you know what is the process of giving away Shopify/Wordpress account? Can I just transfer ownership, or do I have to give everything away meaning the e-mail used to create shopify store etc?

Also, I think Shopify has a rule when you need to have a credit card linked, how would I remove it before handing it over to the buyer?

Sorry for sooo much text!

Marielle Crona

New member
May 13, 2024
Yes, it is ok to use cheap hosting service but again using insanely cheap hosting will ultimately slow down your website and the potential buyer can get irritated as the first impression is important. I recommend getting Namecheap shared hosting plan as they do work great. Keep in mind once you flip the website, your new buyer will himself purchase a hosting plan.

I've seen Motion Invest does from time-to-time list "Starter Websites" which have little to no income but have POTENTIAL to scale.

I've hosted around 5 to 10 websites on single server before without any issues. Google ONLY cause issues when you SPAM the IP meaning you are taking links between your own websites.

WordPress site transfers are pretty straight forward. You download the complete public html directory files and phpMyAdmin file and transfer them onto the client server. All passwords and everything work same as they were on your server.

For Shopify, you just need to add the new buyer and give him/her admin privileges via email. Yes, you will need to ask the new buyer to add his own credit card by removing yours.

Shaylee Spinka

New member
May 13, 2024
Namecheap has prices pretty much similar to Google, well now Squarespace, despite the fact they advertise it's 6 bucks for .com (which is only by using code, so one-time offer not applicable for future domains)

I wouldn't care about the price of domain, but if I flip them short-term, and focusing on quantity rather than quality, it's very important. Is $2 domain considered cheap or insanely cheap then? cuz I'm not sure hmm

With Wordpress and Shopify - don't they both offer hosting + server for every plan? I thought buying a domain is well, just buying domain, and platforms like Shopify & Wordpress are hosters, Shopify def hosting all files on their CDN for example

(btw I'm talking about .com Wordpress not .org )

Sorry, I'm not very technical, I know the e-commerce aspects of all it, but a little step into IT space and I'm lost :D