Elbert Wintheiser

New member
May 29, 2024
So I've been wondering why tweets don't show up.

The reason is because Twitter/X flags all tweets from it appears new accounts or spammy accounts as sensitive content. Technically all the tweets/post made are on the search results.


Because it appears on all accounts in the settings by default, there is a setting in privacy settings-search settings there is a setting called "hide sensitive content" you see. When that is checked it hides all content flagged by X/Twitter as senstive. Its funny as soon as I unchecked that setting all my tweets I've tweet from all my accounts I searched showed up.

So the accounts are technically ghost banned but not really. Its how X has it setup where all accounts by default have the hide sensitive content setting turned on.

The thing is I've tested it on several accounts some news accounts so aged accounts didn't matter. I tweets stuff out like butterfly are beautiful, and I love apple pie. Those tweets which we can all agree aren't sensitive at all are still flagged as senstive because they don't show up in the search setting. But as soon as I turned off the settings the tweets show up.

Heres the insane part of this. You can only turn the setting on the web/website at There is no hide sensitive content setting on the mobile app.
Pretty much everyone uses twitter on the mobile app. So the only way you get your tweets to show up in the search so people can see the tweets is by not having them flagged as sensitive.

How is that done??? I have no idea. Im not sure if there is a certain threshold of activity you need, that inst spammy. Mass liking/following. Not sure if there is a warmup period. Not sure if some IP's are just cursed and won't ever show up. I really have no idea and it doesn't seem like its worth the effort anymore to figure it out.

All this time I've thought my account provider was just bad or i was using proxies that were no good. I thought the issue was always on my side and i had to do something different on my end. It appears its all on X/Twitters end and we have no control over it.

The only thing I do notice that may help is it appears accounts that has a phone number attached or are created with a phone number are more trustworthy than accounts that only have emails attached.

Because when I create an account with a phone number. It appears people I follow and like, get my notifications. It seems like with email they don't get notifications and sometimes never do, other times with email only accounts it may take a few days for people to get start getting the notifications.

Hope this was insightful. If anyone has anything to add to this please do.

But this is certainly what's going on.

One more point id like to make it seems like adult accounts/niche do well because people that want to see that content has to go into the search settings and turn off hide sensitive content. So you don't have to really worry about people not seeing your tweets they will since they have the settings turned off.

Ramiro Zboncak

New member
May 29, 2024
Search your account name with another account and see if X recommends you as a result. If not then you have a search suggestion ban too. Your account won't be recommended to anyone, only your actual followers will see your posts and you will have a hard time trying to grow that account.

Elbert Wintheiser

New member
May 29, 2024
Search your account name with another account and see if X recommends you as a result. If not then you have a search suggestion ban too. Your account won't be recommended to anyone, only your actual followers will see your posts and you will have a hard time trying to grow that account.
Meh... I don't think they're search or ghost banned at all.

Reread my post you don't get it.

All new accounts seem to have a sensitive content flag, no a ghost or search ban. All accounts on twitter be default have the hide sensitive content setting turned on.

Trace Stamm

New member
May 29, 2024
Meh... I don't think they're search or ghost banned at all.

Reread my post you don't get it.

All new accounts seem to have a sensitive content flag, no a ghost or search ban. All accounts on twitter be default have the hide sensitive content setting turned on.
You did nto understand me. You think getting an old accoutn can help get through this new accoutn filter?

Elbert Wintheiser

New member
May 29, 2024
Major UPDATE!!!

On some of the accounts its been 3-4 days on a few others its been 7 days. I appears inactive accounts are hidden. After some activity and time the flag should be removed. So that's great news. And I checked and my tweets are appearing in the search results. I was aggressively following/unfollowwing on all the accounts as well.

On about 7 of my accounts todays I got a message that says

You’ve unlocked more on X
You can join the conversation and connect with others more easily. Now you can do the following:

  • Be seen by more people
    Your content will be more discoverable. And you’ll appear in search results and trends.