[Free Method] Get Marketing Clients that are already marketing their business

Lexus Kozey

New member
Apr 5, 2024
Disclaimer: this is best done for leads in your country because you will be texting or calling them. Not emailing.

It's tough to convince business owners to spend money on marketing when they have no such desire.

The best way to find someone to be your client is to find clients that are already spending money because it means they want more business.

So here's a great method to not only find those people, but also have something to talk to them about, which is how you found them.

Go on Amazon and look for products like custom flyers, custom business signs, etc.

Scroll down to the user reviews with photos.

Take a picture of their photo and ask them how the sign is still holding up and whether they still recommend the seller.

If they respond, you now have the opportunity to say:

"Thanks for letting me know. I'll buy it now. I hope you don't mind, but I Google'd your phone number and looked through your website..."

Don't sell them on something. Pitch them something for free so that you can gain their trust. You're still somebody random.

Also, make the free product damn good and something others charge money for.

I've written some methods on here previously on how to get clients, so if you want more ways, just browse through my profile. It's too far for me to dig.

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Brenda Wehner

New member
Jun 20, 2024
Fair point. I have to agree that micro influencers will grow and become alot more relevant as time goes on. Once the masses come to the realisation that so much content out there is fake, more of them will turn to "people they trust".
Youtube is a great place to build this trust.