Help a young Brazilian... This question is for you who live in first world countries...

Laurel Hyatt

New member
May 20, 2024
My question is specific to first world countries because I live in Brazil (self-explanatory)

Tell me: how do big companies manage their HR? How do they hire people and manage other common HR tasks? Is there a person behind all this or has it all been automated by software?

I say this because here in Brazil this is all very manual (I understand that HR is a profession that, whether we like it or not, in some situations there is no way to replace it with software or something like that, but there is always something that can be improved).

These last few weeks I've been studying a lot about SAAS, and HR is a subject that intrigues me a lot.

So please, tell me how these issues that I mentioned above work in large companies in your city so that I can think of something to revolutionize Brazil.

And if you know of any SAAS in this field of HR that is very successful in your country, please also let me know... I will be very grateful!

Emory Watsica

New member
May 20, 2024
It's interesting to hear about your curiosity regarding HR practices, especially in first-world countries compared to Brazil. In many large companies, HR tasks are indeed managed through a combination of human effort and software automation. While some aspects of HR, like employee recruitment and performance management, still involve human decision-making, many routine tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and employee data management have been streamlined through software solutions.

In the US, big companies typically have dedicated HR teams responsible for various functions, supported by HR management software to handle administrative tasks efficiently. However, there's always room for improvement and innovation in HR practices, even in more advanced countries.

As for successful HR SAAS (Software as a Service) solutions, platforms like Workday, ADP Workforce Now, and BambooHR are widely used and praised for their effectiveness in managing HR processes. These tools offer comprehensive features for recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and more.

Exploring the functionalities and success stories of these HR SAAS platforms could provide valuable insights for revolutionizing HR practices in Brazil. Best of luck with your studies and potential innovations in this field!

Hope this helps!

Laurel Hyatt

New member
May 20, 2024
It's interesting to hear about your curiosity regarding HR practices, especially in first-world countries compared to Brazil. In many large companies, HR tasks are indeed managed through a combination of human effort and software automation. While some aspects of HR, like employee recruitment and performance management, still involve human decision-making, many routine tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and employee data management have been streamlined through software solutions.

In the US, big companies typically have dedicated HR teams responsible for various functions, supported by HR management software to handle administrative tasks efficiently. However, there's always room for improvement and innovation in HR practices, even in more advanced countries.

As for successful HR SAAS (Software as a Service) solutions, platforms like Workday, ADP Workforce Now, and BambooHR are widely used and praised for their effectiveness in managing HR processes. These tools offer comprehensive features for recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and more.

Exploring the functionalities and success stories of these HR SAAS platforms could provide valuable insights for revolutionizing HR practices in Brazil. Best of luck with your studies and potential innovations in this field!

Hope this helps!
Yes! Many HR functions and tasks are still not capable of being managed by software!

A few days ago, I had an insight regarding employee payrolls. I saw a SAAS that is very famous in the USA (GustoHQ), but here in Brazil there are already platforms of this style.

My studies in this area won't stop anytime soon... I think it's an excellent area to innovate, whether in features or even in relationships with employees. In fact, a few days ago I saw a SAAS that sends automatic messages and other treats to each employee on their birthday, I thought that was brilliant and at the same time strange... (why would any businessman pay for that? LOL)

But man, thank you so much for your answer, really! You helped me a lot today with other questions I had here! I will research more about these SAAS that you recommended to me. Thank you very much and see you soon!