Hey i am online reputation manager - ORM - «how to remove unwanted content» is question which people ask me every-day!


New member
Jul 29, 2024
Hey, i am new in this community still trying to figure out all rules and its not easy!

I got warning by warning but after it i found out what i can or cant do here.

Short about me:

I doing online reputation, any unwanted content on any social media platform i delete for my clients and help them to hide bad content. I started doing it before couple years and i really want to spread it here now.

In start i just doing youtube removals, later i started with google deindex articles and also instagram / facebook bad posts, or tiktok videos, usually people in most cases just want to ruin reputation from someone, and im that moment i am here! Nobody cant touch you!

I usually love to put high pressure in all my works , thanks for reading. I hope this is normal post where I presented myself