How to: report a post

Jun 20, 2024
2.0 Update!
Keeping MMO safe and running smoothly is a team effort. The mods and admins catch as much as they can, but we also need every member to report anything that seems suspicious or breaks our rules.

So, how do you report these things when you see them? It's a very simple process.

At the bottom of every post, there's a button that says "Report":

Click this button and a pop-up window will appear:

Type in the reason you are reporting the post and click "Report Post". The report will then be sent to the moderators to be investigated.

And that's it! It really is very simple.

You may receive a notification when a report is resolved or rejected. This will come up in your alerts, with a line or two from the mod who handled the report, explaining the situation.

This is an example of a resolution alert:

This is an example of a rejection alert:

In this case, the rejection reason is "Just a test report". This will vary for every report.

It's also worth mentioning that we take reports into consideration whenever a member applies for a moderator position. If you've put in the time and effort to report rule-breaking throughout your membership, it demonstrates that you take the rules seriously, which is a very important attribute for a mod.

So whether you want to become a mod one day or not, keep your eyes peeled and hit report whenever you see something amiss.

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