Insider breaking news: reddit to remove mods ability to protect spam in their subreddits

Emmy Hintz

New member
Apr 13, 2024
Heard a rumour from an insider that reddit admins (and AI) will be controlling spam now bypassing mods control completely

no longer going forward can you "approve" spam or take over a existing subreddit so you can protect your spam.

cause the admins and AI can nuke the comment and thread and you will have no say or veto power over it

user reports and algorithms will bypass mods completely and go straight to mods like some oher reports already do.

so having your own subredit going forward will no longer be "protected"

seems there is no future in reddit even from the "subreddit" angle]

tehy can still ban users from posting and remove comments and threads but they will no longer have control of APPROVING spam comments that are reported or sent to the spam queue. eventualy admins will have only the power (and AI) so no longer can you have a thread full of spam cause the spam filters will nuke it automatically or someone will report it and even as a sub you wil have zero control over it.