Instagram gets 0 views eventhough I tried everything


New member
Jun 12, 2024
Hello guys,
I have been doing organic dropshipping and for some reason, instagram is always performing really bad. So far I made about 40.000€ and all of that traffic came from tiktok. I was told I am missing out on a lot of money by not reposting to instagram but the thing is every time I repost on instagram I get little to no views. I only managed to go viral once and that was 2 months ago. Recently, whenever I want to create a new account it either won't allow me, saying there is some "network error" or it will allow me and I will get 0 views even though I post multiple videos.

I even got another phone to try and make a fresh account. I fac reset the phone, got a different sim with a mobile plan, only used mobile data, fresh apple ID, fresh gmail I create the account and it gets banned asking for face verification. Eventhough this went through and I now have access to the account I doubt it will work and I think it probably flagged me already.

On my main phone and on any phone on my network (I tried with my mothers phone) it only allows me to create an account every 2 weeks or so, otherwise I get the "network error".

This has especially been the case for a product I am running in the w33d niche and I dont get it because I see other people going crazy with similar products and every single account of mine (I tried 5 so far) gets 0 views.