iOS18+AI might be a nail in the coffin for Google Search


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Something came up to me today and I found that to be quite interesting in regard to the change of my research behavior.

I was working on this project that requires me to do some more "googling" than usual, what I notice was that, I rarely used Google anymore, it was just using ChatGPT and Claude to solve a few issues that I have.

I occasionally still append + to my google search, but I rarely found anything useful for me at this point.

I often used Stackoverflow, but AI seems to be better at explaining things for me as well.

I personally only use Google to search for local businesses or quick tools to solve a few SEO problems.

For products reviews, I prefer video content, since it gives me an impression that it is harder to fake and more trustworthy, so I use Youtube or even Instagram for it.

For news, Twitter is my go to.

With Android + Window already integrated AI into their platforms + iOS18/ MacOS coming up, do you guys think this mass adoption would be troublesome for Google Search?

For some of you that are using Samsung S24 Ultra, do you find yourself using AI more or the same as before?

*Note, I am talking about Google Search, not Google as a whole company.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
For more complex coding projects I find ChatGPT, even 4.0 can hallucinate a lot of completely wrong facts. Until hallucinations are fixed, I think regular Google Search will still prove very popular for the time being. There's a certain level of trust and authority a human-authored piece of text has. Why go to a weather app that's 70% right if there's a weather man who is 99% accurate? No doubt LLMs will become more mass-adopted though, but not to the extent that you think, I think.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
For basic ask/answer stuff without a personal touch I see gpts replacing search. Search will still be around for products, services, and whatever but no reason to google a math problem. Communities with unique personality and outcomes like case studies will stay around.

This is why Google ads gpt to the top of search.