Journey to selling 100 dedicated US mobile proxies


New member
Jul 8, 2024
Hi everyone! First time posting a journey thread so be kind.

I have recently started making my own 4g/5g mobile proxies. I'm currently based in the US and am part of a big group of marketers on Telegram. Obviously, a lot of them use proxies, so I figured I might as well try my hand at making and selling my own.

The way I make these is that I buy old phones, install a custom app which turns the connection into a proxy, and then sell the service to people. It's a pain in the ass but the fact of the matter is that everyone needs proxies. It's a huge business.

I actually started selling them already. Currently have 7 customers paying various amounts, but will eventually standardize them to the current price ($75)

When I started selling them, I tried the "premium" approach. Basically means I didn't want to be the cheapest guy in town.

Unfortunately that only lead to 1 or 2 customers, usually newer guys who didn't know much.

I started out charging $150/mo, then dropped it to $125, then $100, and now I'm charging $75/mo for unlimited data.

My hope is that the low price will attract a lot of people. So far it seems to be working.

I sold out of my original 7 and just ordered 9 more phones.

Eventually I started looknig around and found a way to get lines from my mobile provider for incredibly cheap. I went in there yesterday and tried to negotiate a deal with them for $10/line for unlimited high speed data and they said they'd get back to me on monday with an answer.

The cool part is that I may even be able to get some phones from them for free. I'm currently using old pixel 2 phones that I buy on ebay for like $40-$50.

My 9 phones are coming on Tuesday, so hopefully I will have a deal worked out with my provider by then.

I see huge potential in this business model because like I said, everybody needs proxies. And once you get burned with datacenter or residential enough times, you say f this noise I'm going to just stick with mobile.

Anyway, my goal is to have 100 customers in the next 90 days. I'm hoping that I can make it happen. Will keep you posted here iwth details.

Dr. Erna

New member
Jul 8, 2024
This is sweet - sell shovels instead of digging for gold, best of luck in your journey!

P.S. Love your profile pic and username!