Locksmith business - old partner became a millionaire how?

Arjun Glover

New member
Apr 23, 2024
well the reason i signed up here is this let me tell you my story, i have a waste business in the uk had a partner working with me none stop for 2/3 years but suddenly he stopped working with me and started a locksmith business oh god the amount of money this guy made he just started the business and was getting soo many damn calls each locksmith client he would charge £800 when it should be £50 and the fucking stupid clients was giving him all the local businesses died and he was getting all the calls and everytime i told him how is he doing it his excuse would be oh i have russian call centre working with me but his company wasnt even a company google always toke down his fake locksmith sites he would start new and get same amount of clients how on earth did he do this now he owns over 10 shops in uk and dont even open my calls haha i have been looking for someone that can do this with me i have 15 vans in the waste industry ready to take as many clients as possible i have tried seo and google ads all this shit is bullshit yea gets clients but that guy was getting every client i want that level haha theres soo much money if theres any call centres or whatever you call them come work with me lets kill uk streets haha.
Apr 23, 2024
How do you know that what he is telling you is true? Why would someone pay 800 instead of 50? What does Russian call center has to do with locksmith business in UK? Locksmith can get calls if they are well optimized for local SEO but I doubt newcomer would somehow beat all existing UK locksmiths to become number 1. He might be using Russian MMO experts to create local SEO for him. It would mean that he spends thousands of dollars to beat competition. Starts receiving calls and somehow convincing people to pay 800 instead of 50. People absolutely love him, they are all first time locksmith service users and don't know what real prices are and more than happy to pay 800. They tell all of their friends that never used locksmith and they just happen to lose their keys and they call this locksmith right away and pay 800. He gets so much business from local SEO but eventually Google bans his listing (I wonder why) and he starts again with few thousand dollars and repeats the process. He is also registering new phone number, address, company name, website each time he gets banned and with magic in no time he is #1 on Google again. He must also be paying for all his previous business phone numbers, websites so that he can continue to receive all the referrals he gets.

Sounds about right eh?

Roger Bogisich

New member
Apr 23, 2024
He pays a service to set up gmb profiles for him then uses ctr manipulation to rank and maybe(?) has a call centre to handle calls. Pretty straight forward. Of he has the other companies don't take gmb seriously, he can easily clean out the market.

Kim Volkman

New member
Apr 23, 2024
Run 10 different companies with 10 different GMB profiles.

Ranks all as top ten, charges £800 per call out, clients get quotes for 3 or 4 then they think the average price is £800

I doubt the job is worth £50 I doubt you could get anyone to do an emergency call out (which is why you pay a locksmith) for less that £100 plus work.

Joseph Schneider

New member
Apr 23, 2024
It all gmb related.

Your agent gmb creator will do all the work for you in the area you want to do business there even setup the va phone call centre. But you pay up front all the fees....

I no 1 gmb and a setup around £1500 and it £350 to keep it going monthly.

You need 10 so it be
10.500 setup the 10 gmb

£3.500 per month to maintain the gmb to stay at top to get best results.

£14k up front.

Then it be.

£3. 500 every month.

+ VA to do phone work around
£4 per hour. Around £30 a day £150 week 5 days.... 1 month £600

That it, a quote from me watching others on private study of gmb.

This is not me promotting it a insight of the bill and cost.........

Be carefull who you do hire as it your life line bread and butter.

If you work on the 10 fold method that around 40k a Month income, if done correctly from a gmd exspert.

10 gmb accounts.
10 locations.