Professional Product Photos for Dropshipping and eCommerce - OwnYourPage Studio

August Langworth

New member
Apr 6, 2024
How's it going everyone. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I run OwnYourPage, a product photography studio. We specialize in white-background photography.

The product photo is literally the first impression that your visitor is going to have of your product. Having crappy AliExpress images or pictures taken with your cell phone are going to turn away your customers faster than anything else.

In a survey by Etsy, try found that 90% of buyers said that good product photos are very/extremely important. Product photos are not an area you should cheap out on.

Here's how it works:

1. Buy your photos
Decide how many pictures you want, what background color you want, etc.

2. Send us your item
Simply send us your item as you would a customer. You can do this with AliExpress or by hand.

3. Receive your pictures / item
We'll send you your photos as soon as we edit them. Then, you will have the option of getting your product back. Please note: you will need to pay return shipping if you want the item back. If you don't want it, no worries.

Simple Pricing: $25/Photo
We're not going to make you search endlessly through the thread to find the newest coupon code only to find out that it doesn't work for what you want. It's $25/photo, end of story.

Check out our Portfolio



Refunds: We will always work to make it right. By nature of our service, it will usually be better for both of us to just retake the photos than to give refunds, but if you really want a refund we will issue one. Please note: You will always be given watermarked images to approve before being given the final images. Once you approve an image there will be no refunds, although we will be forgiving on revisions. Also, even if you are issued a refund, you need to pay return shipping on your item. Being granted a refund does not mean that we are also going to return your item for free.

Contact: DM me on here or email me at