Reddit warmup - complete? Is it safe to use the app again, or in a 'normal' browser?


New member
May 22, 2024
Hi everyone,

I got a site-wide ban on Reddit about two weeks ago. 6 days ago, I created a new account and have been using it on my S24U, where I used the Reddit app and got banned. This time though, I used an old and obscure browser noone uses as well as an anti-detect browser w/ a proxy on my pc. 6 days in, I've got 3000 karma and no shadowban. It seems as though this may mean my account has been warmed up sufficiently, but my question is: would it be too risky to download the Reddit app again on my S24U? I don't use a proxy on my phone, just a local vpn and nextdns (not sure if that does any good or not). I desperately want to avoid a shadowban again, what's your guys' opinion on downloading the Reddit app again in my circumstances? Has enough time passed? Will Reddit detect my IP using the app (as opposed to a junky browser) and shadowban me still you think? I only use mobile data and called my ISP to refresh my data which gave me a new MAC, and was supposed to give me a new IP, but I have no idea if it actually gave me a new IP, and dunno if it's still crucial or not considering the site wide ban. Thanks for any thoughts.