✅ Reputation Management - Delete Negative Search Results - Money Back Guarantee!

Ulises Fritsch

New member
Jul 5, 2024
The Service

We offer a service to remove web addresses that you are uncomfortable with from Google search results within a maximum of 120 hours.

This service is designed to assist in resolving and mitigating negative complaints that may adversely affect your customers or business. Additionally, we strive to emphasize positive aspects to minimize the impact of negative feedback.

Before starting the process, we assess together the appropriateness of the content you wish to be removed. Act now and get a quote at no cost.


Min: 500 USD / URL

Max: 3,000 USD / URL

Note: The time and tasks required to complete the link removal process vary and are directly proportional to the non-public metrics that determine the strength of the target webpage. The specific price within the mentioned range can only be determined after a free consultation to assess the situation.

Refund Policy

Any task requiring complete removal is not completed within the promised 120 hours, a full refund will be issued in within 7 days after the deadline.

Please Note:

This service exclusively applies to Google Search Results and Images and does not cover Google Reviews.

Contact us via WhatsApp, Skype or Telegram to get a free quote today!

Austyn Johnston

New member
Jul 5, 2024
Highly interested in your service…

Would like to see some samples of previously completed work & I am looking for much business ahead if you deliver service without the hassle and deliver service on time.
