Requesting MMO collective wisdom on content marketing/blogging/wordpress


New member
May 24, 2024
So I've got a web app that's almost finished being developed and I'm adding a blog to it for the value of content marketing and branding the platform.

I'm planning to pump quite a bit into content research, planning and production, but before I do I want to make sure I'm starting with the right foundations in place.

Have got two questions and anyone that can offer any advice and guidance on either of these, I will owe you one as I want to make sure this is done as close to perfectly as possible.. and if you can't get the answers to this on BHW, you can't get them anywhere.

Question1 : I'm planning to use wordpress for the blog as this seems to be the fastest and most cost effective way to do it. Also it can be done flexibly with the mods I need. Does anyone disagree with this or have any considerations about alternative options that I might not know about?

Question2: When the blog is being built (assuming wp is used), what are the considerations I should address in order for the content I put on this blog to have the highest possible chance of ranking? Things like page speed and the content itself are obviously, but is there anything else that will have an impact that I should plan for ahead of time?

I'm considering having a custom wp theme built with the goal being that is optimised for ranking. If anyone knows of any themes they would recommend that are pre-built and that I could take inspiration from or that could be used as a base, where the theme is particularly good for ranking/SEO consideratons, that would be great to hear about too.

Thanks to all.