✅Running a BST or Creating a New Sales Thread?✅ ‍✈️ Soar Profits with Content that Converts ‍✈️ ‍❤️‍ Forum-Approved, Sales Thread Conten...


New member
Jun 13, 2024
Next-Level Content that Increases Sales Thread Activity and Performance

Would you like to get more members asking for samples with content that captures their interest?

Wish to make the most of your hard-built service with genuine, hand-made content that converts?

Want to get more likes on your sales thread to show others you run a trusted and popular service?

If so, I expect to hear from you soon as my writing is just what you need to earn the most from your service.

Do you already run a sales thread? If so, reach me for new sales copy that will make it clear why members should choose you over the rest. Whether you need a mild overhaul or total content revamp, I can handle the task and write sales copy that soon pays for itself,

Do you want to launch a sales thread? If so, great! As a forum home to over five million members, our thriving marketplace is your chance to reach tons of new clients, and my sales content ensures you make the most of each potential one you reach. If you want your service in the marketplace and need sales content that can sell itself, reach me now and we will get the ball (and your sales) rolling.

Do you run a marketplace thread but get low sales due to poor grammar and formatting?

Struggling to gain traction and comments and need content that can bring in more sales?

If so, you came to the right place as my writing boosts your sales and credibility as a seller with content that shows why members should order from you over marketplace competitors.

You spend tons of time and effort to create a great service but poor content can compel visitors to leave your service in search of another one, meaning, you lose clients before they ever have the chance to see how great your service really is.

I solve this with captivating, well-laid-out content that informs and compels readers in a strong and meaningful way, all while ensuring content complies with marketplace rules so you can submit it right away with no delay.

Have a theme or creative idea for your thread?

As one of the most creative writers you will ever meet, my clever and imaginative mind results in stellar threads and concepts.

If you have an idea in mind you wish me to expand on or need ideas on naming services or packages, I can help and create ones that ensure you stand out from the rest who can only hope to have sales content as good as you.

Unmatched Value and Quality

This is an unmatched, cost-to-value service that will boost your forum sales and conversions, and it will (no doubt) keep visitors wanting to read your thread from start to finish.

My sales content sells for two to three times this price off the forum but for being a member of this great community, you not only get genuine content at unbeatable, member-only rates but at speeds that fast-track your sales.

Budget-Friendly Rates

My pricing puts results within reach for all budgets and will ensure you get max value for your hard-earned funds.

Pricing is $129 per sales thread, this includes up to one thousand words with extra words priced at five cents each.

A Service that NEVER Uses AI or Outsourced Writers

No lies or gimmicks here, just an honest, hard-working writer that gives the time and attention your sales thread truly deserves, AI content and outsourced writers are NEVER used in this service (that is a guarantee).

All orders are solely written by me and aim to convince readers you are the one to go with, your only regret will be not finding this service sooner than you did. :cool:

No matter the type or category of service you run or plan to offer, and no matter the number of threads or packages you plan to sell, I can create standout theme names for services and packages that will give competitors more than just a run for their money.

Can I submit my service to the marketplace right away?


As a long-standing member with many sales threads written, I know marketplace rules as well as the great MODs that oversee this mighty forum.

When your sales copy arrives, you can (right away) copy-paste it in the marketplace to begin the review process for approval.

So long as you fulfill the service to the mod reviewing it, it will be approved and on its way to bringing you fresh streams of sales. Each sales thread I write is a unique piece of work, and when you choose me, you will get sales content that is forum-compliant and ready for immediate submission.

Enjoy Genuine, Hand-Made Content from an English-Native Writer

As a fluent writer and speaker of the English language that never uses AI or outsourced writers, you can enjoy hand-made, high-performance sales copy that will showcase your service in an impactful way. Careful thought is put into each and every word, and that will reflect when your content arrives.

What is your refund policy?

In the unlikely event you do not receive content within seven days, I will grant a refund request if you wish to make one.

How can I reach you?

You can add me on Skype or send me a private message, I am online most hours of the day so you can expect swift reply times.

I like to keep clients in the loop so you can expect updates along the way, I am only a message away at all times and your results are always put first atop the priority list, so order assured knowing I treat your results, service, and success as my very own. :)