Templates or ways to generate ideas for creating X posts.


New member
Jul 1, 2024
I'm a rather uninspired writer in the sense that I find it extremely difficult to come up with things to write about. The entire process is painful, once I eventually come up with something to write I then have the same issue with writing a tile. Overall it can take me a week to write like 400 words. However when I already have an idea I don't have any difficulty writing decent articles.

Recently I have started promoting a loyalfans account on X and following potah's advice I'm commenting on other people's posts with a compliment + insight structure. Having this structure has made writing comments significantly easier and I started thinking that maybe if I had a fixed structure for what to write it might be easier to come up with posts.

Do anyone know where to find something like this? Or advice to help with this problem I guess. I do better with some initial structure to guide me.


New member
Jul 1, 2024
As you said you struggle with coming up with ideas, once you have the idea then you write the article easily.

For this I would suggest you to dedicate a day for finding ideas of whole week posting, go through other mediums like reddit, quora, forums, etc. List down all the ideas posting of the week then It will be easier to write the article based on it and your subconcious mind will be ready to write because it had already imagined the stuff when you were writing ideas. It's much better than staying blind everday for ideas for hours.

I do a similar stuff and this approach has worked for me. Good luck to you.