tiktok cloaking not redirecting for some people

Euna Carroll

New member
Sep 19, 2024
Hi, I had posted a while ago a topic about cloaking tiktok, I had solved this problem but I totally lost the solution :(

We have retested adspect & Justcloakit and without any follow up we have in both cases a loss of traffic which in my opinion is not due to the cloaker but a configuration of the cache of nginx or apache of our VPS which generates a loss of 50 to 60% of the approved traffic.

a few months ago i had found a solution with headers that worked but now no matter what headers i use i lose 50 to 60% of the traffic no matter what cloaker we use trafficgate white pages.

We can not use iframe or other we work on shopify.

We think that some users are not redirected because tiktok is based on webview when opening a link which is http1, 1.1,2

this is just a hypothesis.

Have you had this kind of problem and managed to solve it?

Noelia Renner

New member
Sep 19, 2024
What is tiktok cloaking about? Showing different tiktok embedded videos?

Anyway you need a server with some script engine like PHP. Shopify can't be used for cloaking.