Tumblr newbie here. I have a few questions


New member
Jun 17, 2024
Hi everyone!. I have been doing IM already for many years with previous success in the past. Even I managed to get a few 1000bucks/day along my career. Check this thread of mine from 2012:


As you can see my main platform of monetization was clickbank. But a few months ago I have moved to CPA since CB was becoming harded to monetize. I see more potential on CPA , and now I am checking new ways of traffic generation to improve my earnings.

Lately , I started to read about Tumblr for adult traffic. seems like getting your blogs banned is a pain that you have to deal with all the time. Which makes me think I should go for another social platform as I like to work on things that will bring me passive money in the long term.

Seems like the main strategy is using a big account to spam the shit out and using other "satellite" accounts just to reblog it , so the promotional stuff ( links, videos , watermarks ) will stay there. But I also read that tumblr is even banning now just for rebloging anything they consider spam.

I have a few questions:

what bots should I go for ? ( I heard a lot of tumblingjazz, followliker )
do they always ban anything related to adult even if you only spam pictures or videos with watermarks and not links?
what is the proxy per account rate you should recommend?
people to follow to stay under the radar ?
what about not using proxies and just cleans IPs from a dedicated dinamic connection for this project?
do phone verified account last longer? Does it matter if I just buy "normal quality accounts" ?

Any help would be highly appreciatted. I could also contribute with my experience on other areas like videomarketing , affiliate marketing, digital products, clickbank best converting niches , youtube mass comment spam , content creation , methods for adult dating monetization ect.

thank you in advance


New member
Jun 17, 2024
tumbling jazz is a powerful tool and cheaper. and for limitations you can check this on google. Good luck for the journey mate.

Shaina Mitchell

New member
Apr 8, 2024
I've been with adult tumblr for the last 3 years, more-less successfully (few thousand $ /month).
Here's my experience:

I've never used bot. I know that bot can save you some time, but I prefer the manual way. I have few tips and tricks, few plugins, and that saves you quite time. I loose something like 5-6 hours per week on tumblr (and it's bulk work, I don't do anything for 5-6 days, then I hit 5-6 hours to set everthing up). If you're interested in those tips, tricks, sites and plugins, I'll be hapy to share.

They will ban you 100 times more if you put links than if you put only watermarks (in the latter case, you might get ban only because of copyright, or by accident. If they terminate your account without reason, you can mail their support and they will restore it back most of the times). However, if you don't put links, you'l get 1000 times less traffic and $. So I'd go with the links.

I also don't use proxies, but VPNs. I have 2-3 accounts per vpn.

When I first started, I also didn't follow people to make them follow me back (although that could be good method with adult blogs if you pretend to be a horny wife :D). What I did was to find some blogs that I thought have nice amount of followers and message them to check out my blog and reblog few pics they liked. This method got me to 1,5-2K followers within two days few times. Once you hit 10K followers, it gets easier because you get to reblog yourself grow a bit faster that way. You could also buy some shoutouts to lift you up a bit at the beginning.

As for the phone verified accounts, I don't think it matters.

I'll be happy to answer whatever questions you might have, given that I know the answer :)



New member
Apr 8, 2024
I am currently runing various tumblr sites, the bots are great for boosting your fresh accounts (following other people, or adding some content), after that I usualy setup ifttt accounts and let the accounts grow naturally