What is the current last word on posting hyperlinks in posts on tumblr?

Stone Huel

New member
Apr 9, 2024
I read here on MMO that adding href links have been disallowed for a couple years however I have added them normally and still noticed a couple of clicks from it by adding them into the post body for images.

I was trying not posting anything and only doing watermarked images but the traffic is next to non existent so wanna try hypers again.

I read a btb post though saying you need to edit the theme and put them in the page code in the description of the theme or some crap to make them work now.

Why then did mine still bring some clicks when I did it just the 'normal' way? I know its from those because it is a new domain and used a subdomain just to test that rather then using the root which I was using for watermark traffic.
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Jarrod Rowe

New member
Apr 9, 2024
From what I can understand, you think that tumblr links are not clickable.

There is no such thing.

No matter where you put your link on tumblr: description, theme, image source, clickable image, link post or link inside article, redirect page.
All are working. Just some are redirects (301 and 302) and some are regular do-f0low.