What to choice and why English or mylanguage??

ena Abernathy

New member
Sep 6, 2024
Hi, It was been long time that I created a thread.

I have a niche that is popular in English, well not all popular. But the fact it is popular.

The main concern here is, the language that I speak is not English by natively.

Since there are low competitors in my main language but there is a "issue" also lacks in keywords because is not very well know.

Yes people knows it, but the "quantity of search" from my language is lower than english.
This is a good niche opportunity, If I do i will be the king in my language that is not english, but doesn't have too many keywords to explore due to lack of competitors and search.

What I should do? Create a blog in English or my native language? Was I told before, english have some strong competitors but my main language very low competitors, but search is low-medium.

I always ask to myself. I should do articles in English or my language that I speak?

Any Marketing expert there that was this issue? If yes what you did in this case and scenario? I have a good opportunity to make a bigger website in a language that isn't english.
But the issue is the keyword search tools doesn't have too much data available, but people search just isn't common like English.


Lilian Kertzmann

New member
Sep 6, 2024
English is an international language, Taught and Spoken Worldwide, almost Everywhere.

as of the Language you should use for your own writings, use the Language you are more fluent in, the Language you KNOW you write properly in.