Whos afraid of the big bad wolf?

Gayle Thiel

New member
Apr 12, 2024
When networking and chatting to guys in SEO I often get two reactions when I introduce myself as the MMO conference organizer. Number 1, after taking me to a space which isn?t within ear-shot of another human ?wow MMO! that site is friggin awesome I love it and have used it for years? sometimes followed by ?don?t tell anyone!?. Er OK. Number 2. ?I can?t believe MMO is putting on a conference?. ?Why?? I ask. I will not continue with chunks of actual conversations but the general feeling is the reality of meeting fellow blackhatters in real life seems to be bold, almost crazy. Really? A picture forms in my mind of BH forum members leaving their dungeons, tripping over empty pizza boxes and red bull cans, opening up their front doors and squinting in the sunlight like some prison escape scene in a movie. It makes me smile. I get it, we are on the darker side of the industry but so what? Millions are doing it. MMO is not a secret forum for murderers to swap notes. Well not yet, te he.

OK so this is a BH forum but does that mean the members and visitors are cyber-criminals and wanted by the Google police? I could be wrong but I very much doubt it. Fact: the last time I saw Matt Cutts he was using a MMO slide for his presentation. Maybe you have been naughty but that?s on your conscience and frankly not our concern, a forum is for everyone, good or bad I guess. Since DD took it over I think you would agree things have continued to improve in many ways including the moderating etc. That improvement is probably best demonstrated in the monthly user increase of 400% and his willingness to react to the forum?s wish to attend a MMO conference. Anyway I digress, what I needed to assure you was your forum identity is private and when you register for the conference only your real name will be revealed. You can network all day long with nobody knowing who you are on the forum. Of course if you are a superstar you will probably have your forum name emblazoned across your limited edition MMO Conference T from your swag bag. So if you are afraid of the big bad wolf, I can assure you, he?s not on the guest list and if you ain?t on the list, you ain?t coming in.

Zora Rice

New member
Apr 12, 2024
Thus us the way to world changes, black hat today is the norm tomorrow... innovation is scary for people who live in the past.

Sibyl Kling

New member
Apr 12, 2024
So if you are afraid of the big bad wolf, I can assure you, he?s not on the guest list and if you ain?t on the list, you ain?t coming in.

i like that sentence on the end :)

Allan Jerde

New member
Apr 12, 2024
MMO conference has grown into something better, bigger & more essential to the success of your business.
We've teamed up with some of the world's most influential and provocative thinkers and we're sponsoring the event which will truly help you maximise your earning potential. It's a unique, no holds barred UNconvention: UNGAGGED - hosted this year by Erika Napoletano.

UNGAGGED will break rules. Rules you may not know existed but which have constricted every other SEO convention you have ever attended.
At UnGagged, geniuses who know how to help you profit, will speak without fear of being told to STOP, by the corporates who think they're in charge.
You'll hear stuff you won't hear anywhere else, ever again. (At least, not until the next UnGagged!)

Things are changing. And we're excited to be part of the change.
Looking forward to seeing you at UnGagged.

Check out the UnGagged discussion here http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/f213-ungagged-2014/