⚡️✅androidinstalls.net - App installs and reviews - Boost your Playstore rankings✅⚡️

Myrtie Weissnat

New member
Apr 19, 2024
Yes, I know you've been waiting for this for a long time.

Price for 100 Installs and reviews is - 50$

Orders will be delivered between 2-7 days.

Yes, this is one of the cheapest price on the market, also my service is THE BEAST since reviews will come from REAL PEOPLE located worldwide. No bots, no junks, no such thing.

Order now at https://androidinstalls.net

Skype https://join.skype.com/invite/K57dBBU0CTvm

1.How will this help my App Rankings ? - Having lots of positive feedbacks gives trust to people and once google sees it, your app will start to rank on higher positions.
2.Will this rank my app on top for 100%? No. This service simply helps you to get better rankings, in some cases it might take few weeks but sometimes it might have 0 effect if your app is not good enough, or if you have very competitive niche.
3. Will all the reviews be 5 stars? No, I can't control what people will say about your app, if they dislike they will say so, but if your app is good/ok then expect lots of 5 stars and positive reviews.
4. Will this put my Playstore account at risk? No, since it never did any damage to my account and none of my clients had any problem with my service quality.
5. How many times can I order app installs and reviews for single app? up to 5 times (500 app installs and reviews In total per app) also, you must wait for each order to be delivered.
6. How long does it take for reviews and installs to show up on Playstore? once your order is delivered it usually takes 1-4 days for installs and reviews to show up.
7. Do you offer refills? No, since we don't have control over the people and on their actions, few reviews might get removed for various reasons such as, people deleting their google account and etc.

we don't accept
1. Illegal apps, that might contain virus/hacking or etc.
2. +18 apps.
3. Paid apps
Refund policy
1. If I fail to deliver Installs and reviews on time I shall provide you with a full/partial refund depending on a case.

Zakary Wunsch

New member
May 27, 2024
I used services like this in the past, but lately Google removes most of the reviews. What is your average review retention rate after 1 month of them being published?

Kennith Hegmann

New member
May 27, 2024
1. I noticed that 100 installs is discounted for $30, is this permanently?
2. How many people leave a review?

Rollin Cruickshank

New member
Jun 5, 2024
Do you also do reviews (custom pre-pepared by client)?
Do you post on intermittent basis (randomized timings so pattenr can't be concluded)?
Do you support CA, UK, US?