➜ ⭐️✨ Boost Website Speed & Traffic ⚡️ Improve Ranks and Core Web Vitals ⚡️ Professional Speed-Optimization Service for WordPress and Custom Sites ✨⭐️


New member
May 20, 2024
Are your pages or websites loading slowly?⏳

Losing ranks and sales due to snail-slow load times? ☠️

→ Need a fast and easy way to speed up your site overnight? ✈️

If so, we expect to hear from you soon as our optimization service is just what you need to speed up your site, ranks, and conversions.

We speed up your pages/websites and reduce their load times no matter the CMS or platform it uses.

From WordPress to custom-made sites, we cover it all and can optimize your site to blissful perfection⚡

Avoid low ranks and traffic and use our service for fast load times and higher speed scores on Google, Speedvitals, and Gtmetrix; these are results your ranks, visitors, and investment will later thank you for.

Importance of Speed and Load-Time Optimization

Over fifty percent of people leave sites that take more than three seconds to load and you can expect a near ten percent drop in sales or conversions for each second your website takes to load for visitors.

These stats in mind, one of the most noticeable results of a fast-to-load site is more sales and greater retention rates, and improved ranks too since load times are now used by Google as a ranking factor.

(Request a complimentary website audit from us to gain insight into the specific actions we can take to optimize your website, the anticipated outcomes of our efforts, and the associated costs. Following the audit, we will provide you with a clear and transparent pricing proposal).

Performance Optimization for WordPress Sites

⚡#1 Powerful and Affordable, WordPress Optimization Package ($190)⚡

Package includes installation and configuration of caching and optimization plugins.

This is performed with ZERO impact on your UX or design, in this package, we also:
Remove plugins that are not needed.
Optimize server and browser caching.
Minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
Remove unused CSS and JavaScript code.
Defer and delay JavaScript to avoid render-blocking resources.
Perform vanced DNS optimization and configuration.
Compress and convert large, slow-load images to next-gen format.
Lazy load images, videos, or iframes.
Localhost Google Fonts.

⚡#2 Next-level, Speed and Metric WordPress Optimization ($260 - $480)⚡

This includes all that is given in the package above but here, we also perform optimization for Core Web Vitals metrics (LCP/FID/CLS/FCP/TTFB) so you can pass with flying colors and rank higher in search results. The optimization is divided into two parts:

On-Site Optimization

This is a professional, comprehensive optimization that will ensure any issues are fixed and resolved. We will ensure that no CLS issues occur on the site by manually fixing elements that move/appear within the viewport that may cause CLS. We will optimise the request path to ensure faster FID, FCP and LCP by preloading necessary resources and/or making appropriate UI changes to ensure content loads faster. Please note that any UI changes will only be made after your approval.

Off-Site Optimization

If your site is slow due to your host or CDN and to ensure a fast TTFB we will suggest the ideal Content Delivery Network for your site, and/or the ideal host you should go with. This will depend on your user base, monthly traffic and the level of security required. We will also guide you through the server/CDN configuration. If you have unique requests, such as needing your site to be fast and responsive in certain regions of the world, we can give suggestions based on your demands.

⚡#3 Major-league, Custom Optimization ($230 - $500)⚡

This includes all that is offered in the first package but in this one, we take requests that require us to perform manual tasks or actions, like un-bloating a theme or removing or editing scripts and plugins. If you want to speed up your site while letting the time-consuming tasks be done for you.

This could include:
HSTS Preloading.
Database optimization.
Object and back-end caching.
The removal of unused icons and font files.
Theme and page-builder manual code optimization/Code clean-up.
Necessary 3rd party Content Optimization (Cookie banners, Lottie animations, etc..).

Performance Optimization for Custom CMS, Shopify and Webflow Sites

If you have a website or platform that utilizes a custom CMS, Shopify or Webflow, this is the package for you.

Before we render services, we first review your front and back end to ensure results can be achieved.

⚡#1 Complete and Comprehensive, On-Site Optimization ($270 - $550)⚡

Similar to our Wordpress optimization but here we focus on on-site optimization while we also take on tasks that require manual work, choose this for your custom coded site or CMS and enjoy:

Minify CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
Remove unused CSS and JavaScript code.
Defer and delay JavaScript to avoid render-blocking resources
Lazy load images, videos or iframes.
Localhost fonts.
Compress and convert large, slow-load images to next-gen format.
Optimize on-site Core Web Vitals (CLS, LCP, and FCP) to passing scores.

⚡#2 Complete and Comprehensive, Off-Site Optimization ($120-$250)⚡

In this optimization, we will optimize the website for the off-site Core Web Vitals TTFB metric. We configure your server, caching (front-end and back-end) and compression. We will suggest the ideal Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your site and/or the ideal host you should go with. This will depend on your user base, monthly traffic and the level of security required. We will also guide you through the server/CDN configuration. We will need your domain or web hosting credentials to perform the optimization.

This package offers all you need to maximize off-site potential and includes:
Server and browser caching (front-end caching).
Object and backend caching.
Gzip or Brotli file compression.
HSTS Preloading.
Advanced CDN optimization and configuration.
Advanced server optimization and configuration.

Entrust the Speed Experts and Boost Site Speed and Metrics in No Time ⏰

We treat our craft and clients with care and are perfectionists at what we do.

Your results and success are atop our priority list, and the only regret you will have with our service is that you did not try it or find it sooner than you did.

Our attentive, well-rounded approach means we not only focus on speed and optimization but UX and SEO to ensure all bases are cleared and covered.

With our optimization service at work for your ranks and success, you can:

Improve Search Engine Rankings

Page speed is crucial to rankings as it is used by Google to measure how well a page serves users, and the faster your pages load, the more easily ranks and Core Web Vitals metrics can grow and improve.

Increase Website Conversions

Once the hard work of getting traffic is done, you then need to make sure you can convert them once they land on your site. Whether you want them to make a purchase or contact form entry, both rely on swift load times as people are less likely to visit multiple pages that take forever and a day to load.

At the end of the day, fast load times mean people will spend more time on your site, and more time reading/browsing your content, services, or products, this inevitably leads to higher conversion rates.

Enhance User Experiences

Poor user experiences are often the first result of a site that is slow to load, and no matter how nice a site or interface is designed, a sluggish site will frustrate users, and cause them to leave your website.

Avoid this with our service that will boost your site speed so you can retain and convert visitors, this is a service that can easily pay for itself in short time.

Raise Customer Retention Rates

Let your site and sales thrive and use our service to boost profits and retention rates, people will visit a competitor site if it is 250 milliseconds faster so let us optimize your page and elements so you can lower bounce rates and keep people on your site longer.

Raise Traffic and Lower Bounce Rates

It is no secret that fast-to-load sites get higher ranks and traffic volumes than sites that take long to load. Our service ensures your site loads as fast as it can so you can reduce bounce rates and improve traffic and rankings.

Enhanced Usability for Mobile Visitors

Among the most essential of factors to high ranks is ensuring your website loads swiftly on devices of all types, we ensure your site is optimized, and easy to access, for the over fifty percent of people that now used the web from a mobile phone or device.

Improve Scalability Efficiency

Slow sites with media, content, or elements that are not compressed or optimized eat up server resources and make it harder, and costlier, to scale your network or solutions as a bogged-down server leads to slower load times, which then leads to people leaving instead of making an order.

Enhance Credibility

Now more than ever, people not only base the credibility of a site by its design and usability but its load times, and if your site is slow and unable to serve visitors in timely fashion, you may be viewed as unprofessional, and consequently, may compel visitors to go spend their time and money elsewhere.

An Optimization Service that Sets Standards as Opposed to Meeting Them✅

Boost load times, and improve page speed and user experiences, with a service that puts your site, results, and success atop the priority list. We cut no corners and go to great lengths to give a service that covers all bases, and we assure your site and pages will load quicker once our service is rendered.

How the Order and Optimization Process Works

Our service serves two areas; on-site and off-site optimization.

On-site optimization is when we analyze requests, and elements and third-party apps and plugins, to downsize and optimize them for faster load times with no impact to the UI or design of your website.

Off-site optimization is when changes to a CDN/server need to be made to improve things like loading times and LCP/CLS metrics, such changes require us to have access to analytic data, and we will never, ever make changes to your site or design without first having your consent.

We would have to check the site before approving the package or service you have chosen to give you the exact costs and we may also recommend that you use a different package.

How do you measure website speed?

Results are only as reliable as the tools used to verify them, as such, we use GTmetrix, Speedvitals and Google PageSpeed Insights, to verify page speeds before we render service so we can compare the results.

How many sites can you optimize?

As a reliable and efficient service, we can optimize as many sites as you need but our service covers only one website per order so if you need three sites optimized, you will need to place three orders.

How fast will my site be once optimized?

This varies from site to site, based on size and complexity, but we aim and strive to get client sites to load in under two seconds. Most times, we surpass this mark and bring load times down even more.

How long will it take to optimize my website?

This varies based on the number of orders in our queue but you can expect it to be done within five to seven days, it will likely be sooner but if you want a current ETA, feel free to reach us and we will help.

What is needed from me to get my site optimized?

Once payment is made, we will need Wordpress login or FTP access if your site is built using CSS, PHP, or HTML. If it uses a CMS like Shopify or Webflow, CMS login credentials will often suffice but in some cases, other logins, such as Cpanel, may be needed based on the tasks being done (your login is highly secure in our care).

If you are unsure what needs to be done or if you need help picking the package that is best suited for you, feel free to reach us, any time, and we will be glad to help with the process.

Will my site design or features change?

These will never change unless we have your consent, UI or design changes rarely need to be made but if we notice an issue that would change the design by being fixed, we will be sure to ask you first.

Can my website be transferred to a new host or server?

It most surely can, if we see your host is dulling your speeds, we can suggest you a new host and help with migrating it too, this is an all-in-one service, and we are here all steps of the way to help you out.

Do I receive support once optimization is performed?

Order with confidence and peace of mind as if you ever have issues or questions, you can reach us any time (within thirty days of ordering) and we will be glad to offer you the insight and support you need.

Why can't you provide exact costs for custom optimization packages?

Each website is unique and requires a tailored approach to optimize its performance. Our team takes a thorough and professional approach to ensure that we provide some of the best possible optimisation services for your specific needs. We start by analyzing your website and identifying areas that need improvement. Based on the scope of work required, we will provide you with a detailed proposal outlining the specific actions we can take to optimize your website, the anticipated outcomes of our efforts, and the estimated costs involved. You can then decide whether you want us to proceed with the entire scope of work or just a portion of it. Rest assured that our team is committed to delivering the some of the best possible value for your investment in website optimization.

Is there a refund policy?

To ensure fair and secure service for all, we will offer a refund in the rare and highly unlikely event we are unable to boost the speed of your site or pages, get results or pay nothing, this is a no-risk service.

How can I contact you? ✉️

You can add me on Skype or send me a private message, which is best for you works fine with me.

What methods of payment do you accept?

In order to protect the hours of time and effort we put into our orders, payments are taken up-front before any services are rendered.

For your convenience, we accept not only Stripe but also USDT and BUSD, bank transfers (for EU residents) and PayPal for trusted members.


New member
May 20, 2024
Big thanks for the approval!

We would like to celebrate the sales launch with a limited discount. Enjoy a -30% discount until 30 April 2023, after which this professional service will no longer be available at such a low price.

Comment ‘SPEED UP MY WEBSITE’ below to claim a 30% launch discount.


New member
May 20, 2024
As the great Daniel Cormier once said of mixed martial arts "There's levels to this game".

That quote certainly holds true for website speed optimization as shown to me by @G when carrying out this review copy.

Optimization tasks carried out by the seller
Reduced page size down to 30-40%
Removed unused CSS
Deffered scripts
Removed assets (css/scripts) loaded for pages where it was not needed
Delayed visitor tracking software until user interaction
Fixed images that were still loading as png and not webp
Fixed lazy loading being wrongly applied to product images
Enabled browser caching
Applied automatic preload for product images (Improving LCP)
Applied automatic preload for fonts (Improving FCP)
Minified CSS
Minified Javascripts
Minified HTML
Changed logo image to inline svg improving quality, reducing the size of the image loaded and saving two request previously made
Added links preloading on hover
Researched, suggested and helped to impliment a CDN

The communication from this seller was second to none. He kept me informed throughout the process (And when I say informed, I mean he provided great detail on what was being done). He checked when there were issues or changes that could potentially have an impact to the end-user of the website and he also liased with another member of my team when neccesary for making some server customizations.

Knowledge of speed-optimization

I would like to think that I know a fair amount about speed-optimization and the elements involved in making a website fast. I have used most of the popular optimization plugins out there, I have also carried out manual optimizations myself and I have also carried out a performance optimization with the Google speed team once upon a time when they offered this as a consultation based service.

In addition, I have a very good server set up my one of my team which already included litespeed and some tweaks and optimizations to get things running fairly well; so my setup was already ok but the site in question is quite a large site with woocommerce and lots of plugins + customization hence why it still wasn't running great at the beginning of this review.

@G prooved himeself to be extremely knowledgable in the area of speed-optimization and was able to look over the site in detail, come up with lots of recommendations and also explain everything in great detail in order to clarify what was needed in order to make the site as fast as possible.

As I mentioned above, there are levels to speed optimization and the OP takes it above and beyond in terms of both knowledge and effort in order to get the desired results.

The result

The results definitely speak for themselves, so here is a screenshot from GTmetrix taken before any optimizations -
Manual checks

I only hold so much respect for tools such as GTmetrix as they can be manipulated and focusing on them too much is sometimes a pointless task. As such, I also carried out a manual check of the website just to see how well it performs in reality, after the changes. I was very happy to find that it genuinely is extremely fast and responsive following the changes made by the seller. Now every page loads almost instantly and the site is visibly faster.


Fantastic work from the seller - great communication, extremely knowledgable and results-driven. I would say it is well worth the cost and it is something that will not only improve the user experience of your website but also potentially have a positive impact in terms of SEO. In summary I would highly recommend this service.