Bulk organic TikTok reach for Spotify conversion

Anya Cartwright

New member
Apr 13, 2024
Hello, i'm an artist and i release a song every month. I released a song recently that is really catchy, every time i have reach, i can see it on the stats.
I paid 3 influencers to make tiktok with it and there is now more than 100 tiktok using it. So it made me think...
Now that there is a platform like tiktok that gives a bit of organic reach every time you post, what would happen if i post it again and again?

So i created a burner account and posted the song with a sample of the clip several times. It reaches 300 views on each post as it's not really a viral video but for each time i post, i have one or two shazams so that's great!

But now I'm thinking : What's stopping me to do that like many many times and flooding tiktok with my song to get free reach and conversion to the platforms?
Well, two things. The maximum i can post on tiktok every day or even every hour and a way to automate it.
For the first problem, the solution would be to have like a thousand tiktok accounts. I don't know if it's possible to create them myself or if it's best to buy them.
And for the second one, i guess a software and if it doesn't exist paying someone on the marketplace to do it...

What are your thoughts on this?

Christine Simonis

New member
Apr 13, 2024
It's not really the amount of shazams but the amount of streams that I get but it's hard to put an exact number on it