Dispute: scammed by @Tobi2mike

Laurel Hyatt

New member
May 20, 2024
Proof that the transaction began on MMO: (Submit a link to a post or conversation showing that this issue began on MMO)

Screenshots below.

Proof the other party has been informed of this Dispute Resolution: (Submit a screenshot of you informing the other party here)

Screenshots below.

Proof of Contact: (Submit screenshots showing that you have tried every reasonable form of contact such as emails, Skype, support tickets, etc)

Screenshots below.

Summary of Dispute: (In roughly five sentences or less, concisely go over the issue.)

I bought a service from the seller to A: have a link in their accounts bio for two weeks and B: to increase the follower count on my models account by 1,000 real followers. Seller made a total of four collaborative attempts, they failed miserably (which the seller agreed with, analytics attached). Suddenly, after no further collaborative attempts were made, the follower count increased by over 1,000 new followers, but the new followers were clearly fake. Seller has used this to refuse a refund (I have attached screen shots of the three most recent followers here but I can submit further evidence if required).

Evidence of the Issue: (Post screenshots or video evidence of the issues you encountered with the other party)

Screenshots with explanations below.

What you hope to gain from this Dispute Resolution: (State whether you wish to receive a refund or a replacement)

I want a full refund and for the sellers market place thread to be investigated and trialed by another user. It may be that what worked previously does not work any longer or that the individual who tested the service originally was misled, but this seller is scamming other users with a sub-standard service that is being dressed up using in-authentic, bot followers.

(Optional) Additional Information: (If you need to go over the issue in more detail, please use this section to describe it)

I feel I have covered everything that is required for now, I do not want to make the dispute too long. I can expand on matters further if required.

I have read and followed the rules as closely as possible, I have blocked out the sellers bank information and any associated social media accounts of both parties (as laid out in the rules). I am however, relatively new to disputes and MMO in general (being more of a long time lurker), so I apologise if I have made any errors.

I tried for ease of reading to attach the screenshots to each section of this post but I kept getting an error message so I have had to attach them to the bottom of this thread.

Screen shot information:
1. Evidence that the seller promised to deliver real followers with this service.
2. Evidence of me contacting the seller from BHW.
3. Evidence of the seller receiving payment for the service.
4, 5, 6, 7. Screen shots with numbered boxes 1-4 are the four collaborative attempts made by the seller (with analytics following this for the first and last collaborative attempt, which resulted in less than 80 clicks in total). You can see the seller clearly state in this screenshot that the results were ‘bad and disappointing’.
8. Evidence of me informing the seller I wanted a refund or I would be shit-listing this, the seller refusing and me informing them that I would be shit listing it and the seller acknowledging this.
9. A comparison of the sellers service VS a week long campaign with another seller on BHW (I have included this because after leaving feedback on the sellers market place thread the seller blamed my model, who has close to 1mil followers across her social media platforms and has made over $500k on OF in a relatively short period of time).
10. I have also included a screen of the most recent new ‘follower’ which is clearly not authentic, I can send many more examples if necessary (but I could only attach 10 screenshots here).

Benedict Moen

New member
May 22, 2024
The buyer can drop their wallet for refund. This is the craziest person I have ever dealt with in my life.

I delivered what I was supposed to but I do not think this is worth my time as I am very busy at the moment with my MBA exams.

However, the comment on my thread by him will have to be removed.


Eloy Schneider

New member
May 22, 2024
Let's figure a way to get this refund done in a way that works for all parties so we can close this out please.