I made $150K online and I lost it all. Starting from $0 Again!

Kadin Wuckert

New member
Apr 6, 2024
This is as bad as it sounds. A couple of years ago, before 2020, I made around $150k online doing a MMO method that was very profitable back then with little to no work. I got cocky; my ego was through the roof. I spent most of it on useless stuff that I later sold for a loss. I didn't invest in acquiring new skills or starting new ventures. All the businesses I started after that, I would quit because I thought, "I know where the easy money is." Well, that was false. The money was no longer there, and I spent the past four years barely scraping by. I went from making $15-20k a month to maybe $5-15k a year at best. That I would spend all of it! because that was no real money to me; that was still below me. I lived like a baller for a year or two, pretending I'm still that guy who once made $20k a month at 23 years old, in a third world country that it's people make less than $500/month.

I will never stop trying, even if it means starting from zero again. After all, I did start from technically zero with free traffic and MMO methods! I was delusional and thought that those methods were going to last forever. I read the book 'Who Moved My Cheese?' and literally and deliberately proceeded to do exactly the same stuff over a period of four years, knowing that each year it just kept getting harder to achieve those results. I knew it was true, but I kept pretending that one day or next month it would get back to normal. Well, it did not.
I made all the financial mistakes a person can make, I didn't learn from my year of winning in fact most of my newly acquired wisdom came from these failures.
I hope you guys reading this can learn from this post. what ever you are doing now, if you are not moving forward, you will get run over. There's no such thing as maintaining in the online world; you're either progressing or regressing.

Domenico Lesch

New member
Apr 6, 2024
Lost all my money four times till now and back to start from the start so reading your post felt like I am not the only one here
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Watson Goyette

New member
Apr 6, 2024
We all make mistakes when we are young, the good thing is that you are still in the beginning of your life .. Keep hustling and you´ll get there again.

Berry Mayer

New member
Apr 6, 2024
Mate!! stay positive!
Everyone falls and the important thing is to know how to find the mistake, get back up and not make it again!!
Wishing you the best of luck in whatever you do!

Monty Marvin

New member
Apr 6, 2024
i can feel you
happened to me as well

THOUGH, what brought me back ARE MY ABILITIES
I know how to make money, I just needed to pivot to other industries and keep grinding
THat's how you keep rocking

Ethan Daugherty

New member
Apr 6, 2024
What method were you hammering? I used to run in a similar situation back in 2006ish to 2010ish, running a bot on Freecycle Yahoo groups offering silly free items in every region, requiring them to check out a web page to claim it as theirs, but the page had a locking iframe that required an email or zip, which was just a CPA offer, as well as c00k13 st4ff1ng the living shit out of every visitor. was absolutely bonkers.