[Journey] My Push/Pop CPA Journey

Benedict Lesch

New member
Apr 23, 2024
Hey everyone,

Just meandered my way out of a real shitshow irl and am finally back in a place where I can start to rebuild.

I saw @Harnur 's journey a few months back and was immediately intrigued/inspired. I am a firm believer in the saying "What one man can do, another man can do" and decided I am going to do this. I'll be tracking my progress here not only for myself but for all the wonderful minds on this site who've shared their knowledge at no cost and inspired me. Maybe this thread can do the same for another eventually.

The plan is to start promoting some CPA offers via push/pop ads and explore some of the revshare programs on these ad platforms. I have a long history in ecom so the learning curve should already be dulled down a bit.

This week I'll be getting signed up for all the necessary tools (tracking, hosting, Anstrex etc) and formulating a general plan of attack. From my experience in ecom I already know I'm about to fail hard initially so I'm going to keep my adspend low and just test the waters for a little while. See what works, see if I can get some conversions, fall on my face for a bit, and learn.

I have time to get grindy again and I'm looking forward to see where this leads :) Stay tuned y'all.