LinkedIn Short Tips: How to work correctly with aged multi-profiles.


New member
May 22, 2024
When considering the purchase of aged LinkedIn profiles, it's important to approach with a measured and cautious mindset.
Here are some carefully considered tips and advice.
Being interested in the topic, I have studied the opinions and advice's for working with multiple linkedin accs, of experienced users and I am sharing it with you.
Let's go.

Short Tips: How to work correctly with aged LinkedIn profiles.

Account Verification and Age.
Look for accounts that are both verified and have been active for a reasonable period, ideally more than three months. This can help in ensuring the account's stability and reduce the likelihood of immediate red flags to LinkedIn's antifraud system.

Email Access.
Gaining access to the associated email is crucial. It not only gives you control over the account but also aids in recovery if any issues arise.

Check Account Activity.
An account with a history of consistent and genuine activity is preferable. This includes regular posts, interactions, and a network that aligns with the account's professional background.

Connections and Network.
The number of connections should reflect the account's age and activity level. An unusually high number of connections on a relatively new account might appear suspicious.

Seller Reputation.
Research the seller thoroughly. Look for reviews or feedback from previous buyers to gauge their reliability. Avoid sellers with a history of negative reviews or those who lack transparency in their selling process.

Compatibility with Your Needs.
Ensure the account's industry, location, and professional background align with your intended use. Mismatched profiles might not serve your purpose effectively.

Gradual Transition.
If you proceed with a purchase, make changes to the account gradually. Abrupt changes in the profile, such as location, job history, or name, can trigger LinkedIn’s security measures.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:
Be aware of LinkedIn's terms of service and the legal implications of buying and selling accounts. LinkedIn typically prohibits the sale of accounts, and violating this can lead to account suspension.

Alternative Strategies.
Consider building your own LinkedIn profile or network organically. While this takes more time and effort, it ensures compliance with LinkedIn's policies and can be more rewarding in the long term.

Risk Assessment.
Be prepared for the inherent risks involved in purchasing aged accounts, including the potential for account suspension or limitations.

While purchasing aged LinkedIn profiles might offer a shortcut to establishing a professional presence, it comes with significant risks and potential ethical and legal complications. Weighing these factors carefully before proceeding is crucial.

If you work with a large number of accounts, then use anti-detect browser and reliable proxies.


New member
May 22, 2024
Hello, I previously tried to purchase LinkedIn accounts that are 5-10 years old, but they turned out to be empty accounts. I used a data server VPN and the Edge browser to log into these accounts. However, most of them got banned within 1-2 weeks. Is there anyone who has successfully and consistently used these kinds of accounts? Can the ban issue be resolved by using mobile proxy and anti-detect browser? Are there any recommended sellers for this?