My journey to $300/day on OnlyFans using dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, Badoo).


New member
Jul 8, 2024
Hello MMO, I started my onlyfans agency a few months ago. Currently, I'm generating $3000/month with my model, and today I want to share my journey to $300/day on OnlyFans through full dating app integration.

Throughout my OnlyFans journey, I focused 100% on traffic acquisition using dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, Badoo, etc.). I believe it was a great choice, and I have no intention of concentrating on other traffic sources at the moment.

Here's what has happened so far:

Learning the ropes of dating apps (creating accounts, verification processes, bio, and automating accounts)
Lost several months sending traffic to a model that converted very little
Stopped working with the initial model.
Started working with a new model that converts better (jumping from $1000/month to $3000/month).
Hired and train a virtual assistant from the Philippines at $500/month (best decision).
Generating between 15 and 30 free OF subscribers daily through dating apps.
Develop simplified processes to scale dating apps
Major Challenge:

My model has a low conversion rate. (for the curious: 100 Tinder matches = 1 free fan and 1 free fan earns me an average of $7 in the long term with chatting LTV).
The chatting is good, the traffic is decent, but my main challenge is conversion. It's still very bad even if it's already better than with my first model. I compare my conversion statistics with other OnlyFans agencies and feel like I'm playing on hardcore mode x10 while others are playing in beginner mode.

I believe the biggest game-changer for me will be switching to a new model with a better conversion rate. Currently, I'm waiting on a contact who should be able to provide me with a model for free (versus 10% of the earnings). This is how I obtained the first model because, yes, I have very little cash to invest; otherwise, I would buy a contract without hesitation.

I remain optimistic for the future. This month has already started well – we made $873 in the last 3 days. Thanks to my new virtual assistant, I can now create more accounts on dating apps, resulting in a much better traffic quantity. I believe this month I will reach $4000 on my main model.
I will also continue to scale the dating app, and I will provide more detailed updates on that.

Know that I'm always open to networking with people active in OFM. I am also very receptive to advice. If you have any advice for me, let me know; it won't be in vain.

I'll be back with a new update very soon.


New member
Jul 8, 2024
Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this! This is definitely something i might want to research further in the future